Pool Life | B3 18 Weeks

Our weather is now WARM & WONDERFUL! The thunderstorms have been on a roll lately too. 

The kids and I have been enjoying a lot of pool time in our backyard and at the city pool to keep cool. We paid for a family pool pass, better make it worth it! I need a way to cool off through this pregnant summer and playing in the pool is a nice form of cross-training.

Going to the pool with a 2-year-old and 4-year-old this year has been really fun!

Not that our trips are without tears or whining, but as I look at my "big" boys, I'm thankful for how they are growing up and for the time we have together. E bravely swims off in his "puddle jumper" floaties and W rides along with me the whole time (he is getting more brave though!).

This pregnancy has been funny. Besides being really tired and having a belly, I forget I'm pregnant occasionally. The kids aren't that interested in the whole baby thing yet. That is, until our midwife comes over!

Baby's heart rate was 150 bpm this week (technically 19 weeks). Any guesses? Boy? Girl? 

I'm doing my best to prep for Baby a little at a time. Washing up the neutral baby clothes was the task for this week as energy allowed. We have SO MUCH boy clothes!!! If we have a girl, I have to at least make sure she doesn't get stuck in onesies that say "Mommy's Big Guy"...

So I'm picking away at baby prepping here and there, saving W's potty training and the freezer meal making for the last couple months - food prepping for harvest as well as Baby's arrival!

B3 Pregnancy: Week 18 Wrap-Up

Baby 3 is an artichoke this week and moving quite regularly. I'm feeling great and running 3 to 4 miles varying from 9:30-10:30 per mile. Despite the cramping I had early in the second trimester while everything was "stretching out", that discomfort is gone and this pregnancy has been really enjoyable.

In my opinion, the first trimester is the hardest (sick, tired, nauseas)! Let's hope that's the case again with this baby.


3.1 mile run with the double stroller before the day heated up! The temps hit the 80's so we took out the kiddy pool in the morning and went to the city pool in the afternoon. Lots of water time!


We had Bible study in the backyard and the kids played contentedly the whole time! (until W fell did an accidental "flip" into the kiddy pool) Then we went to the city pool that afternoon because the kids hardly napped. More pool time, it is!


3 miles in the early morning with our dog. The thunderstorms came last night and this morning was majorly muggy!


Playing down at the dock in the morning, visiting a friend in the afternoon and then off to E's first night of Teeny Ball.


Doctor check-up day for W followed by a fun surprise at the library! I planned on taking the kids to "Story Time" and it turns out a circus performer, Sean Emery, was scheduled for that day. He was so entertaining and very talented! The kids and I had a blast!


3 miles after another morning thunderstorm blew through. Friday night's storms were wild! The kids and I were content to watch through the basement window.


4 miles before church. This was by far the best run of the week. The miles felt comfortable and easy. Staying active during pregnancy definitely makes a difference!

What's your favorite (not-super-complicated) freezer meal? Include a recipe link, if possible!

Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. Great job with your runs this week! It's awesome and also inspiring that you are running through your pregnancy. I hope to do the same thing one day!

    Thanks for linking up for the Weekly Wrap!

  2. Great job with running this week and hooray for already getting baby clothes washed up and ready. I'm sure as things progress, you'll be grateful that is done. Glad the weather is warm there and actually warm enough to swim too!

  3. we're having babies close together again! (i'm due nov. 16.) prayers for a continued uneventful pregnancy!

    1. Amanda, that is awesome!!! Yes, prayers for a "boring" pregnancy, right :) I hope you're feeling well!


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