Hey, Baby! | B3 Week 21

After cool and windy days for the past two weeks, the summer warm weather returned and then came the rain. The two inches of rain was welcomed as it gave me a day off garden and grass watering!

I'm really just not the most dedicated gardener but I'm trying. We did pick our first crop of spinach this week and that was fun. Something actually grew! Dirt-fresh and so delicious... after rinsing, of course.

A big milestone this week was W, now 2 years old, being done with his pacifier (not by his own choice). The process wasn't too painful, only tears one night, and him asking over and over again, "Where paci go? Paci went bye-bye??" 

Oh that boy loved his paci but the world is a better place without it. Now onto potty training in the next couple months.

The little boys and I did get to see "Baby Rocket" this week at our 21 week ultrasound! Getting a 2 and 4 year old to sit still during a 30-or-so minute ultrasound process was quite an accomplishment (without letting them play on my smartphone... that's a pet peeve of mine). Anyways, they survived and were semi-interested in seeing their baby brother or sister.

Just like with the boys, we didn't find out the gender. Any guesses? Girl or Boy? I don't even have a hunch this time. I just love that sweet little baby nose :)

(Note: Don't read into the pink heart in below image. It's not a clue!)

B3 Pregnancy: Week 21 Wrap-Up

Baby Rocket is an ENDIVE this week. What in the world is an endive!?


3 mile early morning run with the pup on the gravel roads. The kids and I went to the park in the morning and the pool in the afternoon to make the most of the sunny, warm days.


(Cross-training) Tennis with the kids in the morning and another hour at the pool in the afternoon followed by church cleaning that night. That night I was spent! Legs throbbing, time for some sleep.


Strength Training: 3 sets of squats, opposite arm/leg extensions, boat toe-taps. We actually needed some rain (2") and it felt nice to stay home and indoors a little. Keeping the kids busy inside... that was interesting.


3 miles in the early morning. Then dog washing, Baby's ultrasound, errand running, Teeny Ball and an outdoor concert. That all led to no naps and a late bed time. Needless to say, there was some sleeping issues that night and the little one was super cranky the next day :(


Cleaning, major laundry and packing for a camping trip!


TBD: Run day planned.


TBD: Rest day planned.

Do you have any fun plans for the Fourth of July?

Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. We love having our kids involved in our appointments, too, even with the struggle of longer appointments. I feel like it helps send the message hat this is their baby, too, and gets them more excited for what's to come. Have fun camping! We went last weekend and can't wait to go again.

    1. That's true, Kelly - it's nice for the kids to be involved! I think the appointments have helped E some, but 2-year-old W has no idea. I think he likes being the "baby" of the family so not sure how this transition will go.

    2. it will go great! my second was 23 months and VERY MUCH still in baby mode when #3 was born I truly worried about her and prayed more for her transition than for the baby! God answered our prayers and I was amazed at how well she handled everything. Sure, there were lots of emotions and there certainly was a transition, but she did so well. your boys will love a new baby :)

  2. I am in awe of how active you are (and have been) throughout your pregnancy. I did a lot of walking, but wasn't a runner back then. I wish I would have been more active...not for easy weight loss post-partum, but just for general well-being. Great job!

    1. Yes, definitely general well-being! I've found that exercise helps to balance out my crazy pregnancy hormones ;)


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