I'm a 2017 BibRave Pro!

I have some exciting news for the upcoming year: I have been selected to be a 2017 BibRave Pro Ambassador!

What's BibRave all about?

"BibRave is a running community that connects runners with the best races!

 It's the place to research races you’re considering signing up for, and a place to leave feedback on races you’ve completed.

BibRave is also a way for races and running brands to connect with socially savvy runners - through our popular weekly Twitter chat, #BibChat, and our large ambassador network - BibRave Pros." Bibrave.com

The BibRave Pros are a team of “socially-savvy individuals who LOVE to race!” Be sure to stop by Bibrave.com to share your own reviews and check out my reviews by clicking here.

A few perks of being on this team are the community, the FREE race entries and the FREE running gear! For 2017, I will be sharing my usual training log and race reports along with new gear/product reviews and great discounts as a BibRave Pro.

It's going to be an exciting year!

{WeeklyWrap: 11/28-12/04}

11/28 MON: Easy Effort - (Treadmill) 4 mi, 00:34 @ 08:23 pace.

11/29 TUES: Runner's Yoga (25:28)

11/30 WED: 4.3 mi, 00:37 @ 08:33 pace. Outdoor ice "fartlek" intervals. 2 minutes increased pace, 1 minute jog x 10

12/01 THURS: Off.

12/02 FRI: 8.02 mi, 01:01 @ 07:32 pace.

12/03 SAT: Out of town for a funeral.

12/04 SUN: Off.

Do you read reviews before signing up for a race?

 Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. congrats on becoming a bibpro ambassador-That sounds so cool!
    the selfish part of me would like to that just for the race entries and gear,lol!
    (I do like to read reviews of races prior to signing up though)
    Nice week of training and I'm sorry to hear there was a funeral you attended.....
    Heres to a good week ahead!

  2. How awesome is this! BibRave is a great community I wish I could participate more on their twitter parties too! Unless I'm pressed for time, I read reviews on everything, movies, restaurants, and products!

  3. Yesss, I am so excited to be a BibRave Pro with you!

  4. I've seen BibRave Pro around but never really knew what it was all about! I always search for race recaps, especially when signing up for a race I've never run. That's actually how I got into blogging in the first place. Congratulations on the ambassadorship! Thanks for linking, Amy!


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