Friday Five: Missing Acorns & What Not

The week after Thanksgiving has been a blur! I still don't feel caught up but we have jumped back into a "normal" routine again. Monday was a shock to the kids' system after 5 days at Grandma and Grandpa's farm!

Here are a FIVE highlights from this (actually the past two) week:

What We Did

"Qwirkle" went from a boardgame gathering dust in our game closet to a new favorite, thanks to Leah's Qwirkle preschool learning ideas! She has great suggestions for sorting and other fun activities with the Quirkle game squares. (Sorry, I don't have any pictures!) A little clothespin reindeer project turned out really cute and I will share more next week - see picture above :)

We spent time outdoors searching for Oak trees, the Outdoor Hour Challenge's topic of the week, and building forts in the woods over the past two weeks. Though we couldn't find a single acorn (fat squirrels!!!), we DID find oak leaves and some other treasures!

A photo posted by Amy W (@creativeaim87) on

What We Learned

Where squirrels are plenty, acorns are few!

E has been learning about the letters A and B this week. He does tracing and coloring worksheets for each letter but I am really laxed with that at his age. Mostly we read a lot of books and identify our fridge magnet letters.

What We're Reading

We checked out a few of Max Lucado's Hermie books from the library and they have been really cute. I have read "Flo The Lyin' Fly" more times than I care to admit! E loves that one.

Karma Wilson's books were a new discovery this week as well. Christmas in the Barn is another great book for the Christmas season and I love Anna Dewdney's artwork! Recognize her from the Llama Llama books?

What's New

Snow comes and it goes and it comes and it goes around here. The Christmas decorations are up and Christmas cards are in progress.

Little brother is 18 months old now and the rowdiness an rough housing in our house has greatly increased. Outdoors is the best place for us to be!

What's Mom Doing

I am reading Alive in the Spirit by A.W. Tozer and compiled/edited by James L. Snyder.  I have learned so much about the Holy Spirit himself, living each day in step with the Spirit, and how this looks in the church and our individual lives from Tozer's writing.

"If you can understand it and explain it, it is probably not the Holy Spirit working." (p. 30)

God has used this book to change my life and to help me better understand my relationship with the Holy Spirit. I highly recommend it! You can find Alive in the Spirit on

I received this book from Bethany House in exchange for my honest review.

Tell me about your Friday 5!

Joining up with Preschool & Kindergarten Community Weekly Link-Up, Homeschool Blog and Tell, and Mommy Moments.


  1. We love the bear books and just read Mortimer's Christmas last year. It was so cute!


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