Training Week 3: Family & the County Fair

We survived savored another crazy week in July!

My husband's parents live 1,748 miles away and we were so blessed to have them stay with us this week. Time flies too fast when spending time with family and it was hard to see them leave on Friday.

The days seemed like a blur and my in-laws were so helpful during their visits. I was even able to mow the lawn in peace while Grandma played with the boys. Who would have thought lawn mowing could be so fun?!

We spent Thursday at the county fair in my hometown and that was a bunch of fun jam-packed into one day. After early lunch at the fair, we toured the animal barns, exhibits and children's barn. Now E thinks we need a bunny... I have mixed feelings on that idea.

E went on a bunch of rides (mainly the same 4 kiddy rides over and over and over again) and we all baked in the hot sun. Ice cream, folk music and then the drive home. The kids were asleep before we even made it out of town.

I love the county fair but one fair day with small children is enough for me!

Nearly all of my marathon training this week went down at 5:30 am to beat the heat and the busy days with family. I was very thankful to actually get in all of the training runs! Every day I prayed that the Lord would give me extra energy and patience for this week—He is always faithful!

I would like to think life will slow down soon but harvest is just around the corner... Might as well enjoy the rest of the summer before winter comes. Brrr.... I shiver just thinking about it!

Do you enjoy any fairs in your area?
What is your favorite fair food?


Wild Hog Marathon Training Week 3:

Monday, July 18

Easy-Effort: 6.01 mi, 00:55 @ 09:07 pace.

Tuesday, July 19

Speedwork: 5.5 mi, 00:43. WU, 5x1k @ 7:20, :18, :31, :14, :01, CD.

Wednesday, July 20

No running. Made a trip to the park with Grandma and the kids; then mowed the lawn. Hot and humid!
Strength: Planks series of 6 x 1:00.

Thursday, July 21

Tempo: 6.1 mi, 00:47. WU, 5 miles @ 7:31/mile, CD.

Friday, July 22

Easy-Effort with double stroller: 3.11 mi, 00:38. 2 miles running @ 9:58, 9:32 and walked the rest with a friend.

Saturday, July 23

Long Run: 16 mi, 02:16 @ 08:31 avg pace.

11 miles outside after a storm went through, then 5 in the treadmill when more storm clouds were looming. Super hot and humid for this afternoon run which messed with my stomach. Morning runs are best but sick kids happen!

Sunday, July 24


Total Mileage: 36.81 miles

Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up and Faith's Mommy Moments.


  1. I usually avoid fairs because they are usually too darn hot and I don't ride the rides. I can definitely see the appeal to children though!
    Kudos to you for running at 5:30 am! I set my alarm for 6 am each day to beat the heat but the snooze usually wins!

    1. Fairs are a bit chaotic, aren't they! Small doses for me is best :)

  2. wow, way to get your running in at 530! and way to survive the fair with two little ones,lol!
    I think our family has been to the fair only twice. (Mainly because I am a germaphobe and hate how dirty things are,lol!)
    you are doing great with training-all of these hot humid runs will pay off in the fall!

    1. I try not to think of all of the nasty things the kids touch at the fair! ... Especially the 1 year old... he wants to "taste" everything :s

  3. Great week! I know you enjoyed having your in-laws visit. With a house full of men, I've never mowed the lawn. I wouldn't mind it though. I've always enjoyed going to the fair. It comes to town in the fall when the weather is perfect. I have to at least have a corn dog and funnel cake. And maybe a fried Snickers. LOL. Thanks for linking, Amy!

    1. I'm in a house full of men, too, so one day I hope I won't have to mow anymore either :))) When farming isn't as busy, my husband or bro-in-law will take over. Until then, it's me or the little boys when they grow up! Thank you for stopping by, Holly!


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