Training Week 1: First/Last 5k for 2016

This past week felt extraordinarily long even though it was "short" with the 4th of July on Monday. Lots of fun but I'm okay with the week being over and a new one beginning.

One surprise for the week was that I raced a 5k on Saturday! The original plan was to walk/run the 1-mile with our 3 year old but he ditched me to ride in the Kiddie Parade later that day instead.

For the first time in 3 years, my husband was able to be home for our town's yearly festival! It was great to enjoy the weekend with him; he cheered me on in the race and I was able to race without the double stroller. Having him here with the kids, Grandma and I was the best.

Here goes the world's shortest race recap: I had no plan except to run hard and spend most of the 3.1 miles in the anaerobic pain cave. The morning was a little warm and humid (for MN) and I was very thankful for the early start of the race.

Per my watch, the mile/pace breakdown happened like so:
Mile 1 - 6:30
Mile 2 - 6:47
Mile 3 - 6:48
Mile .14 - 6:27

My official finish time was 20:55 and that was a new 5k PR for me! Some day I would like to make my way to the 19's but that goal will have to wait for another year. I have one more race left for the year and that's the marathon at the end of September.

And here's what happened to my running partner. E led the Kiddie Parade as "American Spidey"! He's currently way more into tractors than he is into running :)


Wild Hog Marathon Training Week 1:

Monday, July 4

Hills w/ double stroller: 6.25 mi, 00:56 @ 08:58 avg pace.

First day of Wild Hog training on the hilly bike trail near our campground! Warm and humid but the trails were beautiful. I ran with the double stroller "half loaded" because E road in the kid seat on my mom's bike.

Tuesday, July 5

Easy-Effort w/ double stroller: 3.5 mi, 00:32 @ 09:11 avg pace.

"Ran" errands with the kids. Bank, grocery store, lumberyard. No success in our quest to find a toddler-sized fishing rod!

Wednesday, July 6

Three loads of laundry, sandbox playing and a tractor ride. No running for me.

Thursday, July 7

Tempo w/ double stroller: 6.06 mi, 00:51 with 4 miles @ 8:09/mile.

Ran with the kids and then mowed the lawn before the rain came.

Friday, July 8

Rest because I decided to run the Sizzler 5k!

Saturday, July 9

5k: 3.14 mi, 00:21 @ 06:40 avg pace. (20:55 official time)

6:30, 6:47, 6:48, 6:27 (for the last .14) followed by a mini yoga class in the grass post-race. That yoga class made me take the time to stretch!

Sunday, July 10

Long Run: 14 mi, 02:07 @ 09:02 avg pace.

Total Mileage: 32.95 miles

How many races are on your calendar this year?

Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up and Faith's Mommy Moments.


  1. Good week! On Sunday, you run 14 miles! It's amazing! ^^

  2. Wow!! That is such a great PR! Great job girly!

  3. Congrats on the new PR!!!!!
    I love how you are able to do add the double jogger in on your workouts. resistance training at its best!!

  4. Congratulations on your PR! 5ks hurt so much, don't they? Your American Spidey is adorable! I'm sorry you couldn't find that fishing rod. I've raced quite a bit this year already. I have a Tri, Marathon, and Half definitely still remaining -- plus whatever else comes along. Thanks for linking, Amy!

  5. This is such a cute picture of you all. Yup I agree the best cheering squad!
    My first half marathon race is not scheduled until October and I keep thinking I'll find one for September but now I'm thinking, why be in such a rush???

    1. Thanks, Tricia :) You are on a roll with racing this Fall & Winter!


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