Training Week 4: New Year, New Opportunities

Hellooo to you on this first day of February!

We are yet another month closer to Spring-time, the green grass, running shorts, sunshine and mosquitoes. I can just feel it.

This year I have been blessed with the opportunity to work with NuttZo and Honey Stinger through my running and blogging! Nut butter AND honey?! It doesn't get any better than that, folks. I'm ecstatic! And kind of hungry just thinking about it.

NuttZo Organic Nut Butter is the ONLY ORGANIC Seven Nut and Seed Butter on the planet! Their products include these pure ingredients: Peanuts, Cashews, Almonds, Hazelnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, Brazil Nuts, Sunflower Seeds, 70% dark Peruvian Chocolate, sea salt. NuttZo Nut Butter is a whole lot of nutritious and delicious!

Check out their products and take 20% off by using my Ambassador Discount: will-20

Honey Stinger fuels runners, cyclists, triathletes and teams all over the country with nutritious and great tasting honey-based foods. From energy gels for the long run to the kid-friendly caramel waffles, they have all of the bases covered with natural ingredients.

I am so very thankful for the opportunity to work with these companies. Because they work so beautifully together, I am tempted to make a NuttZo and Honey Stinger Waffle sandwich before first 20-miler of training...

I will make sure to take a picture of that epic NuttZo Honey Stinger Waffle :)


Fargo Marathon Training Week 4/20:

This was a "recovery" week and also the last week of the Base Phase of my training plan. On to the Build Phase next week!

01/25 Monday - Easy/Recovery: 6.01 mi, 00:59 @ 09:44 avg pace. I felt wiped out this morning — physically, mentally, emotionally, all of it. The run felt good to shake out stiffness from the last windy long run but I could have easily slept 'til 10 a.m. this morning... Not that the kids would have let me!

01/26 Tuesday - Hill Intervals: (Treadmill) 4 mi, 00:34 @ 08:22 avg pace. 4 x 2:00 minute intervals at 6% incline, 6:47/mile pace. Still pretty wiped! I think we all need to go to bed early tonight.
01/27 Wednesday - Strength training while the cookies were baking.

01/28 Thursday - Tempo Run: (Treadmill) 5 mi, 00:40 @ 08:04 avg pace. 4 x 2:00 minute intervals @ 6:32/mile pace. Early morning miles on the treadmill. I'm really liking the interval workouts on the treadmill this winter. It was raining last night and the roads were like an ice sheet this morning!

01/29 Friday - Easy: 6.1 mi. 00:55 @ 09:00 avg pace.

01/30 Saturday - Long Run: 7.35 mi, 01:02 @ 08:27 avg pace. I had 8 miles scheduled for today but cut it short when my

01/31 Sunday - Off.

Total Mileage: 28.46 miles

Have you tried any NuttZo or Honey Stinger Products?
Runners: What is your favorite long run fuel?

Linking up with Fitness Health & Happiness.


  1. great training week for you! I would love to try that sandwich! Honey Stinger waffles are my fav and that nut butter sounds great!

    1. Oh it will be so good! I'm saving that sandwich for my upcoming 13-miler :)

  2. Wow, Amy. You're getting ready to run a marathon?! Good for you. I've never run anything longer than a 5K, and I was a lot younger, AND it wiped me out. I'm not a runner. :) I hope you meet all your goals. Keep up the discipline. You will bless your children and inspire many around you!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. :)

  3. Looks like a great week of training - great pace on those hill intervals!

    I love Honey Stingers! They are one of my favorite workout snacks - it's like eating gummy candy :)

    1. Thank you! Oh those waffles the waffles are my absolute favorite - Honey Stingers have such a great flavor.

  4. My goodness are you fast! Those hills, at 6%? Dang! I've never had Honey Stingers but I hear they are great! And that nut butter looks really good too with natural ingredients, always a plus!

    1. Bleh, those 6% hill sprints near killed me, Janelle! They are worth the pain but I will admit they are not my favorite workout :) The Honey Stingers and NuttZo are both so tasty!

  5. I'm Nuttzo obsessed. The variety of flavors is awesome.

    1. I agree, Jill! They are hands-down my favorite nut butter.

  6. Strength training while the cookies were baking? The scent of baking cookies would be great motivation to get the workout done! Congrats on working with the two companies! Those waffles and gels are good!

    1. Ha, yes, quite the multi-tasking! Most of my strength training is body-weight or with 10-lb dumbbells, so I sneak it in whenever (and wherever) I can!


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