Professional Fit Mom Series: Laura

This week, we are talking with Laura for the second interview in my "Professional Fit Mom" series! Laura is a mom of 2, holistic health coach, running coach and she also writes over at her blog, Mommy, Run Fast.

Laura from Mommy, Run Fast

Coaching & Training

Who or what inspired you to be a coach/trainer?
A friend told me I would make a great health coach, and I started looking into options and got excited about the idea. I added a running coach certificate as well, as it's another passion of mine!

How long have you been a coach/trainer?
In April, it will be two years.

What type of coaching/training do you do?
In my health coaching practice, I work with women to help them meet their health goals, overcome cravings or emotional eating and often lose weight. For runners, I create individualized training plans and guide them through their training.

What certification did it require to coach/train?
I went through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (I wrote a post on my experience here!) and did the RRCA running coach certificate program.

How many clients do you work with?
I take on about 10-15 health coach clients at a time (and usually talk or meet with them twice a month.)

How do you balance motherhood and coaching/training?
I'm lucky to have a really supportive husband! He works from home 2-3 days a week and I plan any daytime coaching calls around his schedule so he can help with the baby. My 4 year old is in preschool. I also work a few evenings each week after they're in bed. But it doesn't feel like work... I really love what I do!

What is your main goal when working with clients?
I try to teach clients about natural health and the importance of real food. Quality makes such a difference - you can lose weight and feel full and satisfied! With my run clients, I want to help them reach their goals and cross the finish line healthy and strong.

Where do you train clients?
I have a home office where I'll meet with clients, and I also do a lot of phone and Skype coaching.

Where would you like to see your practice in the future?
When both girls are in school, I'd like to grow my practice to 20-30 hours per week. I love making my own hours and being my own boss!

Personal Life

How many kids do you have?
2 girls- a 4 year old and 4 month old

How did your passion for fitness begin?
I've always been active and played sports, but in college I began running with friends and loved working toward a race and accomplishing a goal that I trained for!

What is your favorite workout?
Running is still my favorite workout but now I can also appreciate a good strength training workout- push ups and mountain climbers are some of my favorite efficient moves.

When do you fit in your time to exercise?
It has to be first thing in the morning or it doesn't happen! I get it done before the baby is awake and before my husband begins work.

What advice do you have for other moms who are considering becoming a coach/trainer?
Follow your passion! If it's something you love, it will be worth it. I often find myself "working" evenings or weekends because I love it- it doesn't feel like work! But it definitely takes commitment and hard work to get your own business up and running. Be ready to put in lots of time up front getting yourself established and know that it will pay off later.

Thank you, Laura, for taking the time to share your motherhood and coaching experience with us!

Linking up at Fitness Friday.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for participating, Laura! It was so fun to work with you!

  2. I'm new to your blog, and what a great series to pop in on. As a full time stay at home mom and a full time Operations Manager for a Pilates studio, I love reading about how other mommies balance working and being a mom! Thanks or sharing!

  3. Great interview! I love the series, too! It's fun to read about other stay-at-home moms who also have their own coaching businesses and are working hard to find that balance of being a mother and also pursuing their passion.

    1. Thanks, Melissa! I have learned so much from both Laura's and Becky's interviews. There definitely seems to be an art to balancing family and coaching/training!

  4. Sounds like you have the perfect job .I would love to get into the fitness industry full time. I am an ACE personal trainer but due to my fulltime job am unable to do it as much as I'd like. -L

    1. I agree - Laura's job does sound like a blast and she balances it all so well!

  5. Laura is always inspiring! Her accomplishments personally and professionally!

  6. Great interview! I agree you have to follow your passion!


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