Professional Fit Mom Series: Becky

Welcome to my "Professional Fit Mom" series and our very first interviewee! This series is a look into the lives of women who balance motherhood and being a professional in the fitness industry. My motives behind this were somewhat selfish, as I am interested in pursing coaching or training myself. There is no better way to learn than to ask the women who are already there and active in the fitness industry!

I'm so excited to introduce you to Becky! She is the creator of Shape Her, a Christ-follower, wife and mother.

Shape Her: Faith, Family, Fitness

Coaching & Training

Who or what inspired you to be a coach/trainer?
I've always enjoyed exercise. I'm kind of a junkie. I like all types - running (short distances), weights, bootcamp, kickboxing, yoga, pilates, name it! I created Shape Her to help encourage, equip and motivate women in their faith, family and fitness. I want to help women make the connect between their faith and their health. Remembering our body is a temple of His Spirit as Believers. I want to help women receive the tools they need to fight Satan's lies and attacks against their self worth and identity. I want them to find their worth in Christ, not the mirror!

How long have you been a coach/trainer?
Since August 2014

What type of coaching/training do you do?
I'm a Beachbody Coach, Online Consultant, online and in-person Trainer and currently studying to get my NCCPT Personal Training certification. With that, I'll do much more in-person training and local bootcamp classes as well.

What certification did it require to coach/train?
Nothing is required to be a Beachbody Coach. Anybody with a love for fitness can join the Beachbody team! All you need is a passion for helping others!

How many clients do you work with?
My client load averages about 40 women in a month's time. Lately, it's been a bit more as God continues to grow Shape Her!

How do you balance motherhood and coaching/training?
Great question! And something I work VERY hard at daily. I'm a Mom first! I don't have a desire - at this point in life - to be a full time working mom. Outside of my relationship with the Lord, my priority is my family and I work each day to keep it that way. I get up early, before my son wakes up, to do my daily Bible study and time with the Lord. Once that's done, I'll do a little work if time allows. Then, I try really hard not touch my phone, email, anything work related until my son's afternoon nap time. Certain days are busier during nap times and I'm working the entire time. Others, I set an alarm for myself to work for 1-1.5 hours and that's it. After all, there's still laundry to fold, food to cook, dishes to wash and toilets to clean - all before my son wakes up! :) Plus, just a little "me" time!! At night, once my son is asleep, I usually hop on my social media sites to scroll through and see if there's anything pressing and make a few likes or comments. But I don't stay on there long. That's the time set aside for my husband and I to just relax with each other and watch our current Netflix obsession! I'm not perfect in this area, but I'm learning my boundaries and limits and working to set them up to make me the best Mom and Wife I can be!

What is your main goal when working with clients?
To help them find victory. Victory in their faith - finding their worth in Christ. Victory in their health - honoring Christ with their body and giving them the tools to do so!

Where do you train clients?
I do the majority of my training and coaching online. I've just recently started seeing clients in my home gym too.

Where would you like to see your practice in the future?
My prayer for Shape Her is to continue to give God ALL the glory. It's not about me. It's all about Him. If He wants Shape Her to bloom into this large ministry, then I'm all for it. If not, I'm all for that to. I want HIS WILL to be done in this. I continue to lay the future of Shape Her in God's hands, asking Him to guide me each step of the way. I just want Shape Her to help change people's lives and point them to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Personal Life

How many kids do you have?
One son who is 22 months old. He's amazing. I was made to be his Momma. I absolutely love it. :)

How did your passion for fitness begin?
I started exercising in High School. It started as a way to "get a six pack". Then in College turned into a way to put some muscle and definition on my petite/boyish frame. As an adult it's become much more than that. I have hereditarily high cholesterol which I keep in check with my diet and exercise, so keeping myself healthy is priority #1. I also enjoy the way I feel when I'm healthy and I want to be the healthiest me I can be for all that God has in store for me, and for my family!

What is your favorite workout?
Hands down - Les Mills Body Pump. I've done it for almost 5 years now and LOVE it. I like to call it my "soul mate workout". :) It's an hour long class using a bar with weights and it works every single muscle group - head to toe. I do Body Pump in a class setting at the gym and at home too. I've never before seen the change in my body like I have with Body Pump. I do Body Pump twice a week. I've also got to say, I really enjoy kickboxing as well. Les Mills Combat is a great kickboxing workout. When I started doing kickboxing almost 10 years ago, I saw major changes in my legs, booty, core and shoulders from all the punches and kicks! (Both Body Pump and Combat are Beachbody products so I own them at home too!)

When do you fit in your time to exercise?
First, I plan it out. I pick the days I'm working out and what I'll do on those days, early in the week. That way, there's no backing out or last minute decision making. I know what's on tap for the day and I go do it. When my son was younger and napping more during the day, I dedicated his first nap of the day to my workout. I'd workout in my garage. Now that he's older and napping once in the afternoon, we utilize a local gym with childcare in the mornings. Before I had my son, and I worked a full time job, I still planned it out. I took my gym bag with me and went straight to the gym after work on my planned days. My husband knew what those nights were and knew supper would be on the table, just not as quick as other nights. I'd even get some (less sweat intensive) workouts done during my lunch break!

What advice do you have for other moms who are considering becoming a coach/trainer?
Pray about it. Ask the Lord what His plan for you and your family is. Talk to your husband. If God gives you the go ahead, and your hubby is on board, then DO IT! I've never regretted it one minute. You set your own pace, schedule and own it all so it's as intense or minimal as you want it to be. It's a fun way to make a little extra money since you're passionate about it. But by far, it's the most amazing thing to watch God use you in ways to impact others. People you might not even know! That's my favorite thing by far. Check me out on Instagram @shape_her to follow me! And contact me any time to chat about becoming a Beachbody Coach or becoming a client of mine!

Thank you, Becky, for taking the time to share your experience with coaching and training!

Linking up at Fitness Friday and Mommy Moments.


  1. Aw Yay, happy to be first! :) Thanks so much Amy. I love sharing my passions with other women and happy to do so on Life to the Full!

    1. You're welcome and thank YOU for working with me on this! I'm really enjoyed your interview and admire your passion for fitness and ministry!

  2. Great idea to do these interviews! I love peaking into and learning from other lifestyles, especially fitness moms!!! Thank you. I found you through Jill's link-up. So nice to meet you! Take care. Jessica Joy and The Fit Switch

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Jessica! I really enjoy learning from other moms, too - it's so helpful to hear about their experiences!

  3. I love this idea for a series! Great choice for your first interview.

    1. Thanks, Jill! I agree, Becky was a great first interview!


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