National Stroller Running Day: BOB Ironman Review

This Saturday is the first ever National Stroller Running Day! Thank you to Mom's Little Running Buddy and Run Stroller Run for organizing this event.

To celebrate, I'm heading out with little man in our BOB Ironman for a few miles in this cold and windy fall weather! The jogging stroller truly is a running mom's best friend.
Enter the #StrollerRun14 giveaway here!

We bought our stroller on the Black Friday sale before E was born in Spring 2013 and I really should have kept track of the mileage on this baby. (Call me crazy, but this was our first baby-related purchase.)

This stroller has logged many miles through snow, rain, wind and even the occasional sunny day!

It's carried little man through two 5k's and a 10k. He even won two of the races! When running with a stroller, the baby always wins since he crosses the finish line first :)

The BOB Ironman has been keeping E happy since he was just a little guy.

And it still manages to put him to sleep even as a toddler.

My Review of the BOB Ironman

I have been using our BOB Ironman jogging stroller for the last 18 months and have absolutely nothing negative to say about it! After putting on considerable miles, the stroller is still working just as well as it did on the first run.

Here are a few of my favorite features of the BOB Ironman:

This stroller is lightweight. Perfect for racing, training runs or an everyday stroll. It is very easy to fold up for packing in the car and the wheels are easily removable, too.

The weather shield is a must for cold weather runners. Once September hit, I have been using the weather shield on most of my runs. It's great for running in weather cooler than 65°F and keeps baby comfortable even while mom is struggling to push the stroller through the wind/snow/rain. Over the winter, I was able to take E out in the stroller if it was 20°F or above (which was rare!).

Long visor blocks sun and wind. Your child is protected from wind and the sun while running plus the stroller has a sun roof. The sun roof makes it easy to check on my son without stopping the run.

Storage in bottom basket and back of stroller. The storage space is perfect for hauling extra snacks, clothing, blankies, toys and mom's water bottle.

Now that the Lord has blessed us with Baby #2 on the way, I will be checking the Black Friday sales once again for a double stroller as awesome as this one. Also, check out my past post on Tips for Running with a Jogging Stroller!

What kind of stroller do you run with?
Any recommendations for a double stroller?

Linking up with National Stroller Running Day, Fitness Fridays and Mommy Moments..


  1. Such a cutie!! I have the BOB Ironman, too and love it! Sometimes I wish the front wheel swiveled but I love how light it is and it's great on straightaways. I ran 4 miles with my little guy this morning :)

    1. Nice run! That stroller has been wonderful. It is tempting to look for a BOB Ironman duallie because I've loved it so much :)

  2. What an adorable little running buddy!

    1. Thank you, Katie! I can't believe how different he looks from 6 months to 18 months old! They grow too quick :)

  3. I love my BOB revolution stroller! It has covered a lot of miles and places with Keenan and now, Mirella! We didn't get a double BOB because Keenan loves to just sit on the front of the stroller, which has worked out quite well (but, he is also 4 years old).

    1. Ha! That's funny that Keenan likes to ride on the front of the stroller! I may look into the Revolution for a duallie - anything BOB seems to be great quality!

  4. Looks like an awesome stroller and your baby looks like he loves it!

  5. This stroller is very easy to run with and go on walks. When I run I just lock the front wheels so they don't swivel. The most important thing is Consider all stroller accessories, if you think you're going to need them or not.Your article is very helpful for choose the right stroller.


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