Baby #2: 10 Weeks

This weekend is deer hunting opener in our part of the country so I chose to hit the treadmill instead of running outside with the stroller. You never know where a stray bullet could end up and I'm super cautious when little man is with me! Even though it's National Stroller Running Day, I opted for the treadmill this morning.

My re-organized "home gym". 

I usually just listen to music while running but decided to get crazy today and watch a grown-up movie. I watched "Run for Your Life", the story of Fred Lebow (founder of the NYC Marathon), for approximately one mile and then little man woke up. After he woke up, the movie choice changed from running-related to Veggie Tales Sweet Pea Beauty. Give E his milk, a breakfast muffin and some Veggie Tales and he's as content as could be.

Yesterday I made some banana carrot spice breakfast muffins for the guys because I knew I wouldn't want to wake up early to make them pre-hunting breakfast. Wendy at New Moms Talk sent me this recipe and it was easily adaptable to whatever special ingredients you have in the house. I added 2 bananas, 1 cup shredded carrot, one cup oats, 1 tsp. nutmeg and 1 tsp. cinnamon to the recipe.

Banana Carrot Spice Muffins

I'm usually not too pumped about deer hunting because it means Leo is gone again, but today has been a great day. Lots of pancakes with a wonderful family this morning, girls' time at a local craft show, and Leo even shot a 5-point buck this afternoon! I hope that means he's done hunting now for the year :)

Pregnancy Week 10: Baby #2

Cravings: Mott's fruit snacks, breaded chicken, avocado, toast, eggs.

Aversions: I'm finally able to enjoy a cup of coffee again as long as it includes creamer or half n' half. Nothing specific is making me sick this week!

Eating: Hungry, as usual. Eating small meals and snacking is my approach lately. A sandwich of chicken, avocado and spinach on whole wheat toast has been my absolute favorite! I could eat that for lunch every day...

The best sandwich ever.

I'm Feeling: Tired, but the nausea is gone! I feel so much more relaxed with this pregnancy. I haven't had any negative comments related to pregnancy this time around - opposite from pregnancy #1! I got so much negative advice with E's pregnancy. The "just you wait 'til" comments were really discouraging and totally unhelpful!

Sleep: Sometimes I still fall asleep while E is napping in the afternoon. I've been waking up to run at 5:15/5:30 some mornings but I'm not able to do that consistently without being totally exhausted by the end of the day. 6:00 am is the time for me.

Physical Changes: Belly is growing gradually and I can tell my body is gearing up for breastfeeding again (already?!).

Weight: Up 2 lbs. from pre-pregnancy weight.

My Prayer for Baby: "Lord, I thank you for our children and the gift of motherhood. I pray for Baby's development this week and that you bless our children with the ability to memorize Your Word. I pray that they will keep it close to their heart all of their lives. When I feel tempted to worry about this pregnancy and Baby's development, guide me back to Your Word and prayer. Amen."
I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You. PSALM 119:11
Last Week's Workouts:
Monday: 3.32 windy miles with the jogging stroller and the dog.
Tuesday: CrossFit At-Home Workout #17 from Fit N' Well Mommy.
Wednesday: 3.15 on the treadmill.
Thursday: Upper body and lower body circuits from Ctollerun.
Friday: 3.16 miles on the treadmill.
Saturday: 4.24 miles on the treadmill.
Total Mileage: 13.87
E was cruisin' with some babes at Pop-In & Playtime on Friday. That playtime is really my favorite part of Fridays! Mom gets to drink coffee (plus pumpkin spice creamer!) and visit while E runs off to play with a million toys (for about 2 seconds per toy).

Have you taken on any baking projects this week? - Muffins!
Are you a hunting fanatic? - Leo is, I just cook/eat whatever he brings home.

Linking up at Mommy Moments.


  1. You and that bump are so cute! Those muffins look super yummy as well. Thank you for sharing! Wanted to pop by and reply to your comment on the Mommy Moments. That was actually a post from last year that I had edited and it somehow adjusted the date for this week. Sorry for the confusion! The link up for this week will still go live tomorrow morning and I hope you stop by to link up! Thanks Amy!

    1. Thank you, Faith! Oh and that makes sense! I will be joining up with your link-up tomorrow morning :)

  2. I really want to try that muffin recipe. I saved it to use this week. Good luck with your pregnancy. Stopping by and following from Mommy Moments!


    1. Thank you, Tiffany! That muffin recipe is probably my favorite ever. I need to make a new batch this week! Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. You are seriously an inspiration! You inspire me to do some jumping jacks haha! :) you have the cutest bump and I'm so glad everything is going great! How old is your little one? I'm gonna gonna have to try those carrot muffins with my daughter! :)

    1. I'm glad I could inspire you, Heather! My son is 20 months old :) That muffin recipe is so flexible - I'm hoping to make some berry muffins this week or more carrot ones using that same recipe! Thanks for stopping by!


  5. Amy,

    I love the revamped home gym! I'd try that, but Susanna would just climb over and get in.

    1. Thanks, Wendy! E doesn't care to climb the fence yet, but yeah... you would need a taller gate for Susanna and one more solid than our plastic one! If E did try to climb it, it would flop right over because I don't have it latched on to anything :s

  6. Replies
    1. The fence is very helpful! But like Wendy mentioned above, some kids would just climb over it. E isn't really into climbing it but he does love to jump on mom's treadmill. The fence works for now ;)


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