Peace of a Run

This week's topic for Motivation Monday is "Favorite Cardio" and I bet you already have a hunch of what mine is.


It's my all-time favorite because it's so simple, you can run pretty much anywhere, and the time spent with just God, you, and the road is perfect for prayer and reflection. While running, I just think... a lot. Sometimes I write in my head (that sounds weird). I repeat my memory verses and I feel so thankful to see where God has taken me and my family and where He is leading us now.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the Strength of my heart and my Portion forever. PSALM 73:26
Enjoying the peace

Over the weekend, Leo, E, and my mom watched the Olympics while I headed out for a quiet 6-mile run. Running is an escape from this ultra-busy and hurried world. Hurry here, hurry there. Do this, do that. To-do lists, planning, and calendars. They can all be good things, but sometimes I miss the peace and quiet. Growing up on a small farm in the country was peaceful and running down a quiet country road brings back those memories.

The sunshine feels so good!

The only people I saw on my run passed me on a snowcat (translation: snowcat = snowmobile). It was awesome. This winter is feeling a bit long and, though our treadmill is great, I am thankful for each time I can sneak outside for a run!

Today I fit a 5-mile hill and speed interval run in while E was napping and was focusing on memorizing a new verse. I want to know more and more about the Holy Spirit and know that I need to pray and memorize more Scripture about Him! Here is my memory verse today:
So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of your sinful nature. GALATIANS 5:16


This weekend E had a few "big" firsts. Leo and I went on our first overnight date without E and, though we missed him and he didn't sleep well for the grandparents, we had a blast! We went on a supper date and had dessert at DQ, went to our hotel and sat in the sauna and hot tub, and watched a movie. It was a simple date night and having a break together felt great!

Along with having his first overnight stay without mom and dad, E also had his first non-family babysitter last night while we were at a Bible study with friends. He cried when we left and initially I felt bad for leaving him, but it was worth it. Our little guy is growing up!

Our Valentine's Date

What is your favorite cardio exercise?
How was your Valentine's Day?


  1. Hahah I can only imagine Eli crying for hours after you guys left him! ;) SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU IN MARCH!!!!!! I really miss running outside too - I'm going to try to get out today. whoop whoop!

    Glad you had a fantastic Valentines day with Leonard!!

    1. He wasn't too impressed with us leaving AGAIN! But was doing fine by the time we got back. Two more weeks until we see you!!!

      These last few days have been perfect for running outside. Now for another cold week :s back to normal!

      I hope you and the hubs had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  2. Way to go on getting outside to run!

    I've decided since we don't have a network of trails close (within 30 minutes) I'll just run on the beach.

    A 15 minute run at high tide (running in hilly sand) was what I managed to sneak in 2 days ago between storms. The winds were fierce and made me smile.

    I'm learning to adapt to it and to return to running, though some days I'd be hanging with our girl.

    1. Running in sand has to be quite a workout! I know running in loose snow really gets my heart pumping. I'm glad you've been able to sneak out for runs despite the storms and just being a busy momma! Hope you have a great week, Wendy :)


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