
No, I'm not pregnant ;)

I'm talking about the daily cravings. We all crave something whether it's food or non-food! For me, carbs (too bad I don't crave vegetables) or, for a non-food, people's approval. I learned this week is that God actually made us to crave. God made us to crave Him, and Him alone!

I'm two chapters into Lysa Terkeurst's book "Made to Crave" and it's really changing the way I think about food and healthy living! Seriously, God cares about that stuff?! He sure does! God never intended for us to want anything more than we want Him. Lysa asks the reader this question:

Is it possible we love and rely on [insert your craving here] more than we love and rely on God?

What is my source of joy, my reward, my comfort, my happiness? If it's not God, then I've got a problem. As Lysa says, "I craved food more than I craved God". Personally, I have craved worldly desires more than God for the majority of my life and that is something that needs to change. 1 John 2:15-16 covers all the bases. Whether your desire is for physical pleasure, a craving for material possessions, or a desire to prop yourself up in significance; these are not from God, but from the world.

And so the journey begins. This isn't about losing weight for me. As stated in this book, I need to recalibrate my soul so I want to change spiritually, physically, and mentally. I want to crave God and His Word more than anything in this world. I look forward to diving deeper into this book and seeing how God works through this!
Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. 1 JOHN 2:15-16 NIV (emphasis added by me)

Healthful Things

My goal is just to eat real food in moderation. I'm not too keen on fad dieting or super-restrictive approaches. Here are a few of my objectives:
  1. Memorize Scripture. When faced with temptation, quote Scripture. The Truth is powerful!
  2. Have a daily plan for meals and snacks.
  3. Drink more water. 
  4. Cut back on the caffeine. Surprisingly, decaf tastes pretty good!
  5. Enjoy dessert in moderation.
  6. Keep up the same exercise routine: Running five days a week with one hill session, one speed, two easy days, and one long run. Strength train with the "Fit From Home" workouts post-run. Thursdays are the "Ripped in 30" DVD day.

Here are some "healthy choices" from this week.
Just an FYI, I'm still going to eat bacon (in moderation).

Treadmill running is a regular part of my running these days due to our continuing cold winter. Besides, hill training is only possible on the treadmill around here. I don't think the unit "vertical feet" exists in this town!

Why Change?

Like I said, it's not about the scale for me. If anything, not having a weight issue has been part of the problem. My entire life I've been able to eat what I want and it hasn't affect my weight, but that doesn't mean it is okay. "Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial"(1 Corinthians 10:23). The issue is how I feel spiritually, mentally, and physically. It's about my relationship with God.

E works hard at keeping me accountable all day :)
I want to crave God and His Word more than I crave food; more than I want my morning coffee; more than I want a beautiful box-made brownie. I want to be a good example for my family and encourage them to make healthy choices and to desire God above all things. Plus, while I'm breastfeeding E and with future pregnancies, what I eat affects our babies' bodies, too. It's not about just me!

Cravings are my new prompt to pray. Redirect the cravings to God!

Family Fitness... woop woop!

Lastly, A "Healthy" Treat

Speaking of cravings, here is a new treat I made this week. These popcorn balls were delicious, in moderation, of course ;)

Healthy Honey Popcorn Balls

  • 1/2 cup plain unpopped popcorn kernels
  • 2 Tablespoons butter
  • 15 large marshmallows
  • 1 cup honey
Prepare popcorn kernels according to directions. In a saucepan, melt butter, marshmallows, and honey. Stir melted mixture together. In a large bowl, pour mixture over popcorn and stir until all popcorn is covered.

Layer a baking sheet with wax paper. To keep the popcorn mix from sticking to my hands, I had a bowl of water to wet my hands with after rolling each popcorn ball. Roll a handful amount of popcorn into a ball, set on wax paper, wet hands down again, and repeat!

Allow popcorn balls to set before serving, if you are feeling patient :) For leftover popcorn balls, wrap in plastic wrap.

What is your favorite Valentine's Day treat?
Any book recommendations?
Have any healthy tips to share?


  1. Read "Girls with Swords" - Lisa Bevere!!

    Love love loooove this post! Why are you so stinking amazing? :)

    1. I need to check that one out! Thank you for the encouragement, sister :)


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