Motivation Monday - Healthy Valentine's Dinners

I can't believe it's already Monday again! The weekends fly by so fast, but I'm thankful Leo made it home safely after drill. Today is another round of Motivation Monday and we're sharing "Healthy Valentine's Dinners".

Leo and I are actually planning to go out for Valentine's Day supper. On a DATE (!) while Mr. E spends the evening with Grandma. Though it's only Monday, I already know what I'm going to order for supper! For our Valentine's date, I'm looking forward to a Ham & Cheese Sandwich on Naan Bread and probably a pickle on the side. YUM! This happens to be the same meal I had while I was unknowingly in labor with E. Despite the contractions, I remember the food being absolutely delicious.

Since I'm not making our Valentine's supper myself, here is a tasty dessert recipe for Blonde Puppy Chow that I will also be making this week. I have to be careful not to make this too often! This could easily be Valentine's Day-ified by adding red hot cinnamon hearts or Valentine's M&M's to the mix:

Blonde Puppy Chow: Melt this in the microwave -> 1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter + 1/4 cup butter + 1/2 cup brown sugar. Stir in 9 cups of chex mix and stir until coated. Pour coated chex mix in a ziplock bag, add 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar, and shake until coated. Add special Valentine's Day candies if desired :)

What are your plans for Valentine's Day?
Do you have any Valentine's traditions?

Life Lately

Naps have not been very regular lately. E gets to watch mom run, play with his toys, and not even break a sweat. Baby life is good!

My dad and I were out in the woods a bit this weekend hauling firewood (his version of strength training). I like CrossFit, but it's got nothing on my dad, that's for sure! Just to be clear, he's the one that runs the chainsaw and lifts the big logs. I can't lift those big fat ones!

Try not to get jealous of the luscious pink bomber hat :) (Abbey and I were working SO hard outside!... right)

I snuck out for a chilly evening run while E was with Grandma and Grandpa.

Hard-boiled eggs are going to be one of my new healthy go-to snacks. So easy!

E doesn't know how to be "nice" to the puppy :s


  1. Your little man is so cute!! Yeah for grandmas and grandpas to give mom & dad and fun date night out, such a blessing to have family close. We have that too and take advantage of every second of it. :)

    Krista @ Joyful Healthy Eats

    1. Thank you, Krista! Grandmas and grandpas are definitely the best! Have a great Valentine's Day :)

  2. I love the Scripture you shared at the bottom of your post. That is one of my favorite. Honestly I haven't planned anything for Valentine's but am thinking to do something that will include the kids. Valentine's after all is not just for couples, right? Hope you have a great Valentine's week.

    1. 1 Corinthians 10:31 is definitely my favorite. Everything should be done for the glory of God!

      And, exactly, Valentine's Day can be a family affair! Have a great time with your family :)

  3. I'm not sure what we're doing for Valentine's day. I've got some Naan in the freezer, so maybe we'll stay in and have your dinner - minus the pickle. ;-) I love that last pic of your little one and the dog!

    1. Thank you, Coco! I don't know what it is about Naan, but it's SO good. The waiter looked at me a little funny when I ordered ham and cheese on the bread, but at least then my excuse was I was pregnant!

  4. Amy, I made the blonde puppy chow and it is AH-MAZE-ING. Yum! Thanks for sharing :)

    -Rachel from Happiness Runs

    1. Awesome and you're welcome! I'm glad you liked the recipe :)


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