One Day At A Time

Do you ever feel like just throwing in the towel? I shouldn't even ask that question. Every human hits that point at times.

These last couple weeks have kept me on the edge and it's felt so tempting to stop trying, to just sit down and give up. God has blessed me so much and saved me from such a lost life; I feel guilty admitting weakness and being vulnerable. We've had the best moving helpers on earth, but it still left me exhausted. Maybe it's more of an emotional exhaustion and some physical, too. I keep giving my cares to God and thinking "One day at a time, one day at a time..."

Enjoying our last few days in the old house!

A Seriously Small Town

The elevator in the middle of our new town.
I grew up in a "small town" of 2,500 people but now we live in a seriously small town of ~650 people. It's interesting; especially when I tried to plan out a 6-miler, jogger-friendly running route! The first couple days were intimidating and lonely so I focused on praying that God would bring the right people into our lives and help us to reach out to others in the community. Of course, God answers prayers! Leo works for a great family that has welcomed us to the area and I'm now in a Bible study in a neighboring town (AND they even have childcare for the study!). I'm learning so much from this study and God has placed so many women in my life to mentor me - it's awesome and such a blessing. This new town is small, but it's home and I'm taking it one day at a time. God is using this experience to draw me closer to Him and to work on my patience... big time. In all situations, God is reminding me to keep focused on Him and to take all of my thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ.
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

House Progress

As for the house, it's really coming together now, though I have a ton of boxes to put away and some still some painting to do. It is feeling like home. A new paint job, candles, and a few pictures on the wall work wonders at making a new house home! When I dig out the cords for my camera, I will upload the new house pictures I've been mentioning! Eli loves all of his new floor space to play on. He strategically roles around the room to find my shoes and other mischief!

Eli playing on his new floor. He's a rolling machine!

Marathon Training: Week 15

A week-long sinus infection put a major cramp in marathon training, but I'm telling myself it's going to be okay. The second 20-miler in the plan didn't happen, which initially drove me nuts, but there's really nothing I could do. I'm finally recovering and am back on track for training. I'm just going to pretend that I didn't miss any training and just run my face off on race day!

Hey, running is supposed to be F-U-N! I'm going to enjoy the race weekend with my parents, Eli, and friends! Leo can be tracking me from his phone in the beet truck :) Harvest is in full swing now, so he's not around too much these days.

Running Recap

Sat - 3 mile run on the treadmill at my parents house. The sinus infection was lightening up a bit, but I still felt like the running dead with a fishbowl stuck on my head!

Sun - Off. Rest, fluids, and lots of Kleenex!

M - 6 mile run with the jogging stroller and Eli. Light-headed, but getting better.

T - 4 mile run at marathon pace. Running is a great de-congestant!

W - 5 mile run with the jogging stroller and Eli.

H - XT.

F - 5 mile run scheduled.

S - 12 mile long run scheduled - last one until race day!


  1. We moved often growing up and so did my husband. In the first two years of our marriage, we've moved four times. Wait, we haven't been married two years yet... that's next month! :-)

    We've settled down now. A lovely house less than a mile from the ocean. We thought we'd live on that island, but it was wrong. We were guided here. It's perfect.

    I'm not sure of the total population, but yesterday 2 neighbors stopped by to welcome us. They were awesome and told of us about a walk-on access point to the beach. Since it was sunny (a rarity), we took the jogger and went.

    Gorgeous! Along the way, we walked into them and told them we'd listened to them. They beamed so brightly! (Love you, J and C!)

    This journey has required tremendous faith. 2 years ago we were in VA and I was teaching Spanish in a classroom. Now my life is on the edge of an ocean teaching from my computer, as a Mom and wife of a writer, and more.

    I love it and am profoundly grateful for it, and through it I move in faith.

    1. Congratulations on your upcoming two year anniversary! Thank you for the encouragement - moving truly has been a step of faith for us but I know we won't regret it :)

  2. Dear Amy, Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. It is nice to get to know you.
    I connected well with this post. Yes, sometimes you just want to just stop and say"why" and "how"? and that is when you ask the Dear Lord, please show me how.
    He always answers.
    Your post was inspiring and connecting for me. Thank you and all the best.
    Blessings dear. Catherine xo

    1. And thank you for stopping by, Catherine! I'm glad the post could inspire you :) God does always answer! It's so easy to get wrapped up in the busy-ness of life and not listen for His voice, but He speaks to us every day. Personally, I just need to remind myself to stop and listen.


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