7 Days to 26.2

Race day is creeping closer and closer. Only 7 days until #6! Even though this is my sixth marathon, training for it has been like no other before. The below quote has been key to training for this marathon. Flexibility of training has been the most important lesson I've learned! Stressing about missing a run, or being sick, or exhausted, or etc. isn't going to help you run a solid race. I'm taking it in stride this time around and just running. Relentless forward motion!
"The runner shouldn't follow a training plan, a training plan should follow a runner." Coach Renato Canova
Have any running motivation or quotes to share?

Training This Time Around

  • Roughly 90% of my training runs were ran with a jogging stroller.
  • Only ran one 20-miler in training.
  • Definitely didn't sleep enough.
  • Had a week-long romance with a sinus infection two weeks from race day.
  • Many runs went from their specific "speed", "tempo", "hill", etc. labels to "just get through this!"
Now that my last long run is out of the way, I'm getting excited. Race expos are FUN because, generally, I find free snacks to eat and it's like a runner's paradise! Eli and I will be going to the expo together on Friday before I meet my parents. I'm excited to see friends that are running the race, spend time with family, and enjoy the race!

What's your favorite part of race expos?

Awesome Occurrences This Week

Our neighbor brought over a beautiful, homemade cherry pie!
She rocks and it was delicious!
My Great Grandma Grace made a surprise visit with my mom today!
Eli loves his great great grandma and my lovely sister-in-law captured this moment :)

Running Recap - Marathon Training Week 15

H - XT: 30-Day Shred Level 2.

F - 5 mile "easy" run with jogging stroller and Eli. I write "easy" because somehow crazy gusting winds made this easy run quite challenging!

Sat - 12 mile long run and a little over 4 of those miles were with my awesome sister-in-law! I love long run company. This run felt really good; only one more week to race day!

Let's Get Social Sunday


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