Conquering the Winter Laundry Mountain | WIN Detergent

Disclaimer: I received WIN Sports Detergent in exchange for my review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews!

The snow season makes up about six months of the year around these parts and so enters a whole different kind of running. Instead of shorts, tanks and sunscreen, it's all about Yaktrax and layers upon layers of clothing (still wear the sunscreen though).

Though the change of the season is to be expected, especially as a lifetime-Minnesotan, the large increase of dirty laundry in the cold months always catches me by surprise! And it's not just my own - throw in the snow pants and many winter layers for three kids (+ my hubs) and we may just be able to sled down my laundry mountain.

To conquer my laundry mountains and attack the sports-stink in our athletic wear, I received WIN Detergent as a part of being a BibRave Pro. Since the majority of detergents are designed to combat stains and stink in cotton-based items, these detergent prove to be not as effective on the synthetic fabrics used in our sweat-wicking activewear.

Those synthetic fibers are considered "hydrophobic" which allows water (and sweat) to wick away from your body and evaporate quickly. That is perfect for activewear BUT this hydrophobic material can hang on to that sporty stink if only regular detergents are used.

That's where WIN comes in.

The fundamental difference between WIN and other detergents is that WIN contains ingredients that separate oils from the synthetic fibers, thus washing away the oils and bacteria that = stink! Makes sense, right?

I have been testing the WIN High Performance Sports Detergent for a few weeks now and it has indeed cleaned up even my stinkiest running attire. This detergent is available in Fresh Scent and Fragrance + Dye Free.

One 32 oz bottle of WIN Detergent is $10.95 on Amazon, plus free shipping if you have Amazon Prime. That's affordable and certainly worth a try.

Shall we call it a WIN "win"? ;)

Save 20% off your windetergent with code RAVE4WIN on their website. Code is good until 1/15/19 and one offer per household.

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