2018 Review /// 2019 What's New

I was planning to write about returning to the rhythm of marathon training until my early Christmas present arrived.
As the kids opened their stockings for our Christmas party at home, my oldest said, "Mommy, but what are you going to get for Christmas?"

I answered, "Daddy got me a new floor (finished this week!) and a new rug."

"No, like a real present!", he responded.

I then should have said, "Mommy got strep throat, sweetie.  Now let's go find some antibiotics to stuff my stocking with."
;) I joke. Getting sick is part of life and having three small people (one in particular that licks everything) makes it that much easier to get sick. For how healthy of a year we have had in 2018, I won't whine too much about getting strep now. It's an easy fix, thanks to my doctor visit yesterday.

Day 2 and I'm already feeling much better. Let's quickly recap this year and look forward to what's in store for 2019!

Urgent Care Selfie with my babe while the hubs & kids ran the fun errands together

2018 in Review:

  • I joined the BibRave Pro team for my second year and ran one race with them along with writing 23 reviews.
  • Three races were run: The Frozen Feat 10k in February, Grandma's Marathon (with BibRave) in June and the Grand Forks Half Marathon (injury deferral) in September.
  • We are currently half way through E's Kindergarten year using the My Father's World curriculum and continue to homeschool. Tee Ball, swimming lessons and now wrestling & 4H have been fun activities for the kids this year.
  • Baby C is now considered a "toddler" as he started walking at 10 months old. He had his first birthday in November and first bloody nose last week (not so fun).
  • Fall marathon plans were derailed after my hip flexor strain in August. Four months later, I'm fully recovered. 
  • We traveled to Nashville, TN for a family reunion over Thanksgiving.
  • The "She Runs By Faith" blog re-design!
  • After listing our house for sale, then deciding not to sell and reflooring instead, I showed our house last Friday and moving is back on the table again. You just never know what God has planned but we're following His direction. I'm trying to patiently go with the flow... trying.

My 2018 "Top Nine"

2019 What's New:

  • Returning to the Frozen Feat 10k in February and Fargo Marathon in May (& celebrating our 7 year anniversary!). Possibly one or two more marathons, if I can stay injury-free. Still chasing that 3:15 finish time and being more diligent with strength training and stretching.
  • E will be finishing Kindergarten this Spring, and then we're on to 1st Grade and W starting Pre-K in the Fall. Ahhh my boys are growing up so fast!
  • Weaning "Toddler C" eventually, as we did complete the goal of breastfeeding for 12 months! I won't wean until him and I are both feeling better though.
  • I have been accepted for the 2019 BibRave Pro team but am considering stepping back. It's been a great couple years with BibRave but finding time to do any blogging and/or review writing lately is a battle. We'll see.
  • Nature journaling, painting, sketching. I want to do more of that and teach my children more about it! Now that they are getting older, we may be able to slow down for two seconds to nature journal more.
  • And possibly moving? I hate to be the skeptic but I'm not counting my eggs until they hatch. We'll see what the new year brings.

And because showing our current house has been in the forefront of my mind and moving has jumped back into the picture, I have to share this in-home "coffee shop" idea. Isn't that awesome? I would love to set up my own coffee corner in the future!

What's going on in your life lately? Anything to celebrate from 2018 or look forward to for 2019?

My Weekly Wrap

SUN: off

MON: (Treadmill) 4.00 mi, 34:04 @ 8:31 avg

TUES: Hip strengthening exercises and I signed up to run the Frozen Feat 10k in February! That race is one of my favorites. They have the best socks for race swag and a February race, while icy and cold, helps to break up the long winter.

WED: (Treadmill) 5.01 mi, 43:07 @ 8:36 avg

THURS: Starting to feel sick. Decided not to run.

FRI: Sick.

SAT: Sick. Finally went in to Urgent Care because I wasn't able to sleep at night through the throat pain. Figured it was strep throat, and strep it was! Started antibiotics ASAP.

Let's Connect!

Linking up with Holly and Wendy's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. You have a LOT going on! It is definitely understandable that you may need to cut your commitments. I see that you did Grandma's in 2018. It was one of my absolute favorite marathons. I hope you liked it. Fargo is on my list too, but not for 2019.

  2. 2018 had a lot going on for you! I love that you write down your 2019 goals in a journal. I do the same thing - it's fun to look back at the end of the year

  3. I am enjoying being part of the bibrave team as well. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well-tough time to be sick. You do have a lot going on w the kids!

  4. I love all your photos for the Top 9! I just got selected to be a BRP and I'm super excited!

  5. Your in home coffee shop is so cozy! Are you sure you want to move?

  6. My kiddo is half way through kindergarten and the illness seems to have hit us harder than usual this year. I feel your pain. I was sidelined with pnuemonia leading up to my goal race

  7. I hope those antibiotics are working already. Strep is pretty high on the misery scale. I love that coffee nook in theory, but in reality, I know I will be having my coffee at the kitchen counter no matter what. ;-)

  8. I used Pinterest for great ideas when I started freshening up my house to place on the market. I am most proud of my laundry room makeover. LOL!! (Since I spend so much time there.) I hope you recover quickly from strep throat. It's been fun watching/reading about your kids growing up. And, I can't believe baby has celebrated his first birthday already. Thanks for linking.


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