Need for Speed

This week has felt like a hurricane. Long days and late nights make for moody littles and a tired mama! Summer is so fun. Let me repeat. SO FUN.

In the northern Midwest, all things "fun" try to cram themselves into July. Swimming and ball and parades and vacation bible school and more parades and camping. So much fun, in fact, that July feels overwhelming.

The days have been long and nights have been ending after 10 pm, which has made waking up at 5:00 am not my favorite thing this week. I love quiet mornings to myself, as time to pray and enjoy the outdoors before life speeds up, but I need to get more disciplined with sleep.

What I'm LOVING about the Hansons Marathon Method so far: 
Weekly Speed & Tempo workouts.

What I'm NOT LOVING about the Hansons Marathon Method: 
Waking up early 6 days a week.

The speed work, tempo runs and specific goal paces in this training plan definitely keep the runs exciting and fun. Now the 6-days-a-week thing...

I used to run 6 days a week in my pre-marriage and pre-kids life, and I actually enjoy it, but I'm not sure this is maintainable right now. We'll see. I'm working on an earlier bedtime (9 pm) this weekend and I'll reassess in a week or two. Chalk that up as a #LIFEGOAL.

Until then, one day at a time, one workout at a time.

In other news, I went to my first chiropractic appointment in TWO YEARS! Oooh it was nice. I was way overdue for an adjustment and she did a mix of the Graston Technique and dry needling to my stiff left knee.

Baby was very fussy near the end. I made the mistake of releasing him from the carseat before the appointment. Once he tastes freedom, he is not happy to be buckled up again. Fussyness aside, I hope to go to the chiropractor once a month or at least every other month for adjustments - not the dry needling or Graston. Yet another #LIFEGOAL.

After the past two years of growing/birthing a baby, breastfeeding with subpar posture and running marathons, my body seemed to appreciate it and I count that as stewarding the body that God has blessed me with. I'm thankful to feel as great as I do - tired and all!

Thoughts on regular chiropractic care? Have you experienced "dry needling" before?

GF Marathon Training W2

Follow my journey as a I train for the Grand Forks Marathon coming up at the end of September. This is my 11th marathon but first time using Hansons Marathon Method for training!


W2D1 Easy Run 4.01 mi, 00:36 @ 08:58 pace with left knee feeling slightly stiff, possibly slightly swollen (feels "fluffy", the only word I can think of to describe). Pretty sure the tight calf/quad and IT band is to blame. I cut two miles off this run to recover extra from the wild week of camping and then will do Runner's Yoga tonight.


W2D2 Speedwork 6x800m with 400m recovery. 6.02 mi, 00:46 with interval goal pace at 3:15-3:20 min per 800. Getting out of bed this morning was a bugger! I have fallen out of practice for the 5:00 running... snoozed my alarm till 5:20 and got out there. The run went well and my knee didn't feel weird at all. Intervals were at a fine pace overall - 3:21, 3:20, 3:21, 3:17, 3:21, 3:21. Room for improvement, felt like a successful workout.


W2D3 Off.


W2D4 (Treadmill) Tempo Run 5 mi, 00:38 @ 07:32 pace because 5 am alarm went off and baby thought that meant nursing time. Ran inside instead this afternoon. Slower than 7:26 pace goal but I’m just glad this run got done today. Good enough.


W2D5 Easy Run 5 mi, 00:46 @ 09:09 pace that I finally got outside for. Baby was up to nurse at 5 am but went back to sleep after. I feel tired and well baked... Three days of VBS done and baseball finished today. Summer life!


W2D6 Easy Run 6.01 mi, 00:55 @ 09:09 pace. Waking up early for this run felt HARD. I like mornings but a regular 5:00 am alarm (which I regularly snooze till 5:15) is wearing me out. I suppose the late nights aren't helping either... working towards a 9 pm bedtime tonight...


W2D7 Long Run 10 mi, 01:20 @ 07:58 pace with goal pace 8:00/Mile. Went well! I was able to beat the heat and we had so much fun making a 5k aid station with friends after!

TOTAL MILEAGE: 36.04 miles

Let's Connect!

Linking up with Holly and Wendy's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. Good luck with your marathon training. My marathon training schedule had me running 6 days x week, and I just couldn't keep up anymore. I had to back off. Of course, I am older runner. I still love to do speedwork, though!

    1. I may end up backing off too! We’ll see how my body holds up (and maybe my sanity too 😂). In running (and life), sometimes less is more. Running lower mileage, fewer days sure beats burning out or injury!

  2. I have never done dry needling although I've heard people talk about it. Did you enjoy it? Did it hurt? Did you feel results?

    1. Haha I wouldn’t say I enjoyed it — I’m actually a big wimp with needles — but it didn’t really hurt either. As for results, my knee feels less stiff than it did. Not sure if that was due to the adjustment, Graston or dry needling! Personally, no more dry needling for me 😉

  3. Brilliant running but 6 days a week does sound a big thing to fit in around your family commitments. And a lot of runs full stop. Hope you can find a balance that suits you.

    1. Exactly - gotta find that balance! I know to break through that 3:20 barrier I need to run higher mileage but I’m not sure now is the time.

  4. Hansons is HARD! Not only the frequency of running but the sheer volume. I know that is a plan that wouldn't work for me. After following you for a while, I think you'll do well. I've never done regular chiro or dry needling or anything. I'm hoping I never have to!

    1. Thank you for your vote of confidence, Wendy - it may help to convince me that I CAN do this! Still on the fence. I do know this has helped me grow as a runner already.

      And yeah, the dry needling! I could do without any more needles than necessary in life ;) Not a fan!

  5. I'll say it again, I'm so impressed you can train for a marathon with three littles especially while nursing. Ha--your July sounds like our January...the one month we cram winter in. Hang in there. It will soon be August! Thanks for linking!

    1. Thank you, Holly! It does feel like a balancing act but I am learning to enjoy running even more, as a mental “break” for me. As for the early morning thing... haven’t learned to love that yet. Baby is still working on his sleeping through the night 😉

  6. That's fabulous that the Hanson's method is working so well for you. I've not tried it yet. I cannot run that many back to back days but sure wish I could. Summer does feel like long days when the kiddos are small

    1. Running so many days back to back definitely takes some easing into! Mixed feelings on it currently... Oh how I love the summer days though! I’m just wondering how my house still gets messy when we’re outside so much?!

  7. Congrats on a great week of workouts! I've never tried dry needling but I would love to try it once I start training for a race again.

    1. I’d say it’s worth a shot! I’m glad I tried it once, now I’m good for the rest of my life!

  8. Super impressed by your dedication to running early 6 days a week! Hope your visit to the chiro has positive results. I go regularly and find it very helpful, but I have to remember to listen to my body too!

    1. Thanks, Amy! I did sneak a treadmill afternoon run in there and it was a nice break. I struggle with evening runs but should learn to embrace them more...

  9. Killer week! I'm considering the 9pm/5am sleep schedule so I can finally start running in the mornings but I'm terrified of waking up any earlier hahaha. I'm excited to see how it works out for you!


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