Camping with Three

We're back home after a wild week of life and camping — our first camping trip with three kids! This time away was such a blessing. I love being with family, spending time outside in God's creation and Itasca State Park is my favorite place to camp.

On camping with the three kids... our 3-year-old and 5-year-old boys are a dream to camp with aside from occasional attitude probs. That's #reallife for ya. They are both crazy about s'mores, fishing, biking and Grandma & Grandpa's RV.

Mr. 8-month-old enjoyed his first ever camping trip but he was much harder. Being such a busy crawler (he has been since 6 months!), he took any opportunity to eat rocks, sticks and anything else within reach. He spent most of his time in the stroller, packed along in the baby carrier or being just plain old carried by someone (mostly me).

Four days of camping was amazing but by the end I was pretty well exhausted. Being back home has been nice, especially since the baby can crawl on the floor freely here. Note to self: Bring the baby walker on camping trips with crawlers present.

Just a few of my favorite memories from the trip:

After a two week break from running, I started back at it this week and am easing into training for a fall marathon with the Hansons Marathon Method. This will be my 11th marathon but my first time using a Hansons plan. When I get a chance, I'm reading through the nuts and bolts of their approach and it's helped me to gain confidence in the plan and ramping up to running 6 days a week again (it's been a while).

My main focus for this first week back has been to hit the goal training paces. Especially running slow enough on easy days. Those "easy days" will be vital as active recovery through this plan. With the camping trip mixed into training, the "easy" runs were a bit more challenging than usual with the hills and double stroller added in. The coming week should be much more normal. Whatever normal is.

It was a great week and I'm enjoying trying something new. I'll be sharing more on Hansons Marathon Method and race goals in later posts :)

That's a wrap for now!

How did you celebrate Independence Day?

GF Marathon Training W1

Follow my journey as a I train for the Grand Forks Marathon coming up at the end of September. This is my 11th marathon but first time using Hansons Marathon Method for training!


W1D1 Easy 4.01 mi, 00:36 @ 09:05 pace to kick off training for my Fall marathon! I’m using the Hansons Marathon Method for the first time ever, so this training cycle will be a whole lotta newness for me. Goal this week: hit the training paces, especially on easy runs!


W1D2 “Easy” 4 mi, 00:43 @ 10:50 pace with the double stroller and E on this bike at the county park. We made the journey around the lake (and then some). When he needed a break, I ran intervals on the hills to keep moving. I am so proud he biked that far! Personally, I’m wiped and not feeling the greatest. Cold or allergies, not sure which?


W1D3 Off.  In between packing, groceries, and what not, I fit in some foam rolling and stretching on my tight calves (especially left side) and hips.


W1D4 Happy Independence Day! Tempo Run 5.01 mi, 00:37 @ 07:25 pace that was actually on pace! I want sure what to expect coming back after my break. Feeling recovered and ready to work on speed.


W1D5 Easy Run 4.91 mi, 00:49 @ 09:58 pace with double jogging stroller to the Mississippi Headwaters and back to our camp site at Itasca State Park. Those hills really worked me over!


W1D6 Easy Run 6 mi, 00:57 @ 9:29 pace with my sister-in-law Danielle on the route to Douglas Lodge, out 4 miles and back.


W1D7 Easy Run 5.29 mi, 00:56 @ 10:31 pace with double jogging stroller to Headwaters and back again, this time with E riding his bike. We took some walk and water breaks but he made it the whole way! I was very proud of his first trip there on those hills and in the heat! This run was supposed to be my 8 mile "long run" but I cut it short. Those hot, hilly miles with the stroller were enough for me.

TOTAL MILEAGE: 29.22 miles

Let's Connect!

Linking up with Holly and Wendy's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. I like the Hanson's method, I've had success as have lots of friends. Great first week!

  2. Camping sounds fun but exhausting! It's all about making memories, right?

    Good luck with marathon training! I'm excited to follow you as you use Hansons!

  3. It is fun to try something new! Sounds like your new training plan is off to a running start

  4. I think 4 days camping would be enough for Glad you had a fun time with your family. I like to get away but it is always so nice to be back home too!

    Sounds like you got a good plan for your marathon training!

  5. Camping with three littles sounds both fun and exhausting! I can't imagine keeping up with a crawler on a trip like that. At my age, I could never do a Hansons style training plan. You'll do great, I'm sure. Do you know which fall marathon you'll do? Thanks for linking.

  6. Hooray for the start of a new training cycle! I have many friends that have had great success with the Hanson's marathon training plans. I am sure you will do great - Good Luck!

  7. How interesting, I've not heard of this method so will be fascinated to see how it works. Good luck with your training!


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