Rest & Recovery Week | KT Tape Review

Disclaimer: I received KT Tape to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews!

Marathon training mixed with "real life" requires flexibility. Some weeks go as planned but most don't and that's part of the beauty in it! Over the years, I have learned that allowing for extra rest and recovery time is worth it.

With the cold and a feverish baby in our house, this was one of those rest and recovery weeks. I cut back my mileage and did what I could in terms of running. Family always comes first! To aid my recovery, I have been foam rolling more and trying new-to-me kinesiology therapeutic tape, KT Tape.

KT Tape is an elastic sports tape designed to relieve pain while supporting muscles, tendons, and ligaments and, as a BibRave Pro, I have been incorporating five products from the KT Tape family into my training.

The KT Tape family includes a wide variety of tape types, colors and patterns. I have been testing the following KT Tape products:

GENTLE TAPE: 100% Latex Free Cotton with Gentle Adhesive, Wears 1-3 Days
PROTM: Synthetic Tape Lasts 4-7 Days
PROTM WIDE: 4" Wide Stripes Lasts 4-7 Days
PRO EXTREMETM: Extra Strength Adhesive
ORIGINAL: Cotton Tape Lasts 1-3 Days

For a complete list of the KT Tape products, check out

The Full Support Knee Wrap

Postpartum recovery can leave the joints feeling wobbly so I decided to try a support wrap that focused on my knees. For the Full Support Knee Wrap, I used a half strip of blue PROTM and two full strips of black PRO EXTREMETM for each knee.

I am a newbie to the KT Tape products and was surprised at how easy the pre-cut 10" strips are to work with. To apply a strip, I tore the paper backing in the middle of a strip. Then I used the papered ends to apply tension while placing the tape down on my knee to prevent the tape from sticking to my fingers. As I pressed the tape down, I gradually peeled away the paper backing.

This application of KT Tape gives support, pain relief, and normal body mechanics without restricting motion or circulation like other treatments. By watching the easy-to-follow instructional video on the KT Tape website I was able to complete the Full Knee Support taping with ease.

Watch KT Tape's Full Knee Support video to see how the Pros do it:

My tape job wasn't perfect but it was definitely helpful and not bad for my first time using KT Tape! I went out on the run and the support was beneficial.

Back in the sophomore year of my collegiate tennis days, I wore a knee brace after having arthroscopic knee surgery. The knee brace was uncomfortably sweaty (gross!) and restrictive. This KT Tape would have been a much better option! My joints feel supported, the material is breathable and my movement still feels natural.

After your workout, don't rip the tape off your skin! The tape peels off best after a shower or by using baby oil.

My Final Thoughts

The KT Tape products are great quality and they have a wide variety that covers every athlete's needs.   Price varies per each product from $12.99 to $21.99 a roll.

For runners on the mend from an injury, or trying to prevent re-injury, the KT Tape products are a better alternative than a brace in most cases. The quality material, strength of adhesion, and taping lifetime (lasting from 3 to 7 days!) makes KT Tape the best kinesiology tape I have seen! Use code "BIBRAVE30" to take 30% off of your order.

#Gmas18 Training W3 Recap

Follow along the 16-week journey as I train for my 10th 26.2, the Grandma’s Marathon coming up on June 16, 2018. I look forward to running with fellow BibRave Pros Angie, Amy and Jenn!


Off. The hubs has been feeling under the weather and I can feel it's coming in my direction now too. Ear pain and swollen lymph node. Hopefully a rest day will help.


(Treadmill) Easy Effort 3.1 mi, 00:30 @ 09:40 pace. This was all I could muster up. I’m having ear ache/cold/congestion problems and baby was up sniffling last night too. This is going to be a slow down week and I’m okay with that. Time for us all to get healthy again!


Sick day. Ear ache and sore throat is still lingering for me. Baby was up most of the night with a fever from his shots. Better to err on the side of rest!


Easy Effort 6.06 mi, 00:58 @ 09:37 pace. Still fighting this ear ache and cold. The upside is baby’s fever is gone and we slept better last night.


Long Run 11.25 mi, 01:40 @ 08:55 pace. After two normal-ish nights of sleep, my ear is back to normal and lymph nodes aren't as swollen. Today was GORGEOUS! I was able to run long while Grandma watched all three boys. It was wonderful :)


Easy Effort 4 mi, 00:39 @ 09:41 pace. The hubs and I went out on a run together while Grandma and Grandpa watched the kids. Another beautiful day for a run. Snowy weather is soon to return.



TOTAL MILEAGE: 24.41 miles

Which recovery products do you swear by?

Let's Connect!

Linking up with Holly and Wendy's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. I have been using the KT Tape strips for awhile and honestly never thought of ripping the backing off from the center! I recently broke my index and thumb fingernails (on left hand) down to the nubs, and it's almost impossible to get a grip on anything right now.

    1. Ripping the paper backing made it so easy to apply! The instructional video told me how much tension to apply for each piece of tape, too. Very handy! Uff... broken fingernails are so frustrating!

  2. It sounds like extra rest was just what you needed to kick the sickness to the curb. I'm glad you could get out for two kid free runs over the weekend. I was never good at applying KT tape. I should watch their instructional videos. Thanks for linking!

    1. I definitely need some KT Taping practice!!! Their videos are great. And a "date run" is always fun! I wish they could happen more often :)

  3. I haven't tried KT tape, but it looks good! My recovery weapons of choice are tart cherry juice and my Roll Recovery tool.

    1. Ooh tart cherry juice? What benefits does that have? I'm curious!

  4. I have used KT tape a few times and I did think it helped. Not sure if it's placebo or real treatment but good to have around

    1. I agree - it's a great tool to have around! The different products serve many different purposes. I'd say the Gentle Tape is gentle enough to use even on my 5 year old! (He thinks the tape is cool)

  5. I've used KT Tape and do think it helps. It will stay on for a few days if you're careful -- even if you shower. ;-)

    I hope you're feeling better. I had a throat thing going on a few weeks ago and it did sap my energy.

    1. Definitely, Coco! The PRO and PRO EXTREME tapes survived a show for me!

  6. I'm glad everyone is feeling better. We really need to move on from this winter!

    I've used KT tape many times--my only complaint is that it doesn't stick for very long. I do think it's helpful tho!

    1. I hear ya, Wendy - the Gentle tape doesn't stick on as well but I will say the PRO, PRO EXTREME, WIDE, and Original have been fiercely sticky for me! Like I needed to take a shower to peel them off... I took them off without doing so once... lesson learned!

  7. Glad you weren't sick for too long!

    I started with KT, but then I changed to Rocktape. While it can have problems adhering, too, I find it's much better than KT. And both are a real help!

    1. Yes I think I beat the worst of the cold! Here I thought I was going to miss it all together ;) Now that just wouldn't be fair.

      I agree - kinesiology tape is a great help!

  8. Informative article, exactly what I needed.

  9. Luckily I am not injury prone so I never had to use it I know other people swear by it!

    1. I'm not struggling with any injuries either (... maybe I shouldn't even type that! I hope it stays that way.) but I have liked this to help with any little "niggles". I lightly rolled my ankle on a run yesterday and the extra support on today's recovery day has helped!

  10. I have had great luck with KT tape- maybe it's psychological, but I feel like it really helps! I've used it for IT band pain mostly.

    Great post!

    1. I'm glad it's been a help to you! I haven't used it for IT band pain yet but I should look up some taping techniques for that - thanks for the idea :)


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