March Blizzards Bring April Sunshine?

We're currently riding the springtime blizzard rollercoaster with Easter and the start of April nearly here. (It feels a bit strange to have Easter fall on April Fool's Day. Just sayin.)

While we were in the cities for Easter last year, I am thankful to be celebrating Jesus' rising at our own home this year. After church, we plan to have a breakfast food feast, which is right up my alley. We're talking waffles, egg bake, fruit and possibly bread pudding. Breakfast is my favorite!

Preschool has been all about the real meaning of Easter this week. My 5-year-old said when he thinks about Easter, he thinks about egg hunts (I'm a fan of Cadbury Creme Eggs myself). Those are cute and all but I explained that we are celebrating what Jesus did for us when He died on the cross and that He rose again from the dead.

"So everything is about Jesus then?" he asked.

Yes, Exactly!

This image from HymnsIllustrated says is beautifully:

On the running front, we were in a warm streak of weather for a while. So much that I packed away my winter running coat. It looks like the cold is going to return for a while but I'm feeling much more hopeful that shorts weather is near.

Above-freezing temps make it so much easier to get out in the morning. And getting out in the morning makes it so much easier to fit in training runs!

I am very gradually increasing my mileage to avoid injury as, though I forget it sometimes, I am still in the postpartum recovery stage (Baby will be 5 months next week :).

Hopefully March blizzards bring April sunshine and snow-melting weather. I'm looking forward to bringing some great running products your way in April => think Orange Mud, FlipBelt and Under Armour. The running season is nearly upon us in the Midwest!

#Gmas18 Training W5 Recap

Follow along the 16-week journey as I train for my 10th 26.2, the Grandma’s Marathon coming up on June 16, 2018. I look forward to running with fellow BibRave Pros Angie, Amy and Jenn!


(Treadmill) Progression Run 5.02 mi, 00:45 @ 08:57 avg pace with intermittent breaks to nurse baby, answer questions, help toddler. Who decided to sleep in this morning? Me! I need to remember how hard it is to run with the kids awake => motivation to get my tail out of bed at 5 am to run solo!.


Easy Effort 6.25 mi, 01:00 @ 09:36 pace in the early morning. I made it outside! I had to loop around home to add more layers. It was 30°F but the damp air and breeze made it chilly! I’m hoping to make it out early tomorrow too.


Early morning Progression Run 7.07 mi, 01:01 @ 08:36 avg pace with first 30 minutes at an easy pace and last 30 minutes at 8:00/8:30 per mile. Strength in Stride Stability A exercises that night.




(Treadmill) Easy Effort run 4 mi, 00:39 @ 09:40 pace because I didn’t make it out of bed early enough this morning. Excuses: Baby was up more than usual and it was supposedly 6°F/6 mph breeze outside. I said “nah” and snoozed the alarm! 🤷🏻‍♀️


Long Run 14.29 mi, 02:00 @ 08:24 pace on a chilly, windy day. The temp said 20°F in town but the 20 mph winds stole any warmth I may have felt! Breaking it up mentally into 4 x 30 minute intervals made this run more enjoyable.


Off. Easter => He is Risen!


Do you have any Easter traditions? Or a favorite Easter food/treat?
Like Cadbury Eggs? <3

Let's Connect!

Linking up with Holly and Wendy's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. Have a good Easter! We are staying home as well and have family coming to us, which is definitely a welcomed change.

    1. Thank you, Kelly - hope you had a great Easter as well!

  2. I love what your 5 year old said! Truth. Running on the TM with the kids awake is very inspiring. You must be an incredible juggler. ;) I hope you'll see some warmer weather this week. Thanks for linking and Happy Easter!

    1. He's a pretty straight forward guy! haha. Running with the kids is a juggling act! Waking up early is the "easier" route... well, kinda... maybe not easy :)

  3. He has risen indeed! I do not have a favorite Easter treat and I definitely am not a fan of cadbury eggs...yuck! Happy Easter!

  4. I keep hoping that winter will go away! I just heard the weatherman use the s-word, so not this week. You're doing a great job of training--keep it up! Have a great week and thanks for linking!

  5. Yes April sunshine would be amazing! Send some over here

    1. Will do - even the sun makes a cold day more enjoyable!

  6. Love your son's comment! It seems obvious that Easter is about Jesus, but there's always so much secular going on too. Our Easter traditions have fallen away now that my kids are grown. I did send cards and indulge in Easter donuts this morning. We used to do it all - egg hunt, church, brunch, etc. :-)

    1. Oooh I like the Easter donut idea! I think my kids get confused with the Easter bunny vs. Jesus. They seem to wonder how the two are related, I guess I should look into the origin of the Easter bunny tradition!

  7. I used to love the Cadbury eggs, but I think at some point I ate one too many and cannot stand them anymore. Well, I like the caramel ones, but usually one a year is all I really want or need.

    1. Hahaha... a Cadbury Egg overdose? I could totally see that happening! They are good, but almost too sweet. Good thing they're only around once a year ;)


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