Home Stretch | B3 Week 37

Here we are. Baby has made it to the homestretch!

As of 37 weeks, we're cleared to have a homebirth but baby may be cooking for a while longer. It's funny how each one has such a unique way about them - from conception and on! The older boys were born at 35 weeks and 38 weeks but I really feel clueless as to what this one has planned.

I'm trying not to worry about the logistics of it all.

What to do with the kids when labor really gets rolling (maybe they could sleep right through like the last birth?), what week will baby be born, will labor be a sprint or a marathon.

Worrying doesn't help anything and really just steals the time we have here and now so I'm praying for God's peace whenever worry strikes me. One day at a time. That's how these weeks will go down. Seek God in everything and He will make it all fall into place.
"I want to live life one day at a time, to live each day to the fullest measure of the grace I am given." Sally Clarkson

My "Grace" Cup - and the amazing cookie-in-a-mug dessert!

Nesting has taken on a new flare for our third child. It has felt more like decluttering and organizing for our older kids rather than baby prep. Getting rid of junk, storing things that I need to keep but won't use in this small children season of life, backing up phone pictures and deleting old ones.... You know, the necessities! ;)

The kids' "grown out of" clothes are packed away. Baby bedding and blankets are washed. We have finally recovered from a nasty sinus cold bout in our house. Now if I could only stay caught up on laundry and the typical household things... every mom's battle.

What's New For Baby 3?

I did buy a few new things for this baby, which wasn't the plan originally. How much could you need for a third baby? We already had the necessities but I have been learning through the past two babies what works and what doesn't; what was a lifesaver and what has totally driven me bonkers.

New Nursing Gear

Kindred Bravely makes really amazing nursing/pregnancy products and I'm trying their organic bamboo nursing pads this time, along with a new set of "nursing bras" (tank-style bras from Fruit of the Loom; they have worked so well in the past and are much cheaper than official nursing bras). I'm hoping these nursing pads will leak less than reusable ones I have used in the past!

Fruit of the Loom Women's Pullover Sports Bra

Baby Swing

We made the plunge and bought our own baby swing! For both of the boys, I borrowed a baby swing from my parents and we're trying something new this time. The Graco Glider Lite LX Gliding Baby Swing is shorter and easier to transport up and down stairs. Plus it will take up less space in our house!

Notice the swing is currently hidden in the crib. Any of baby's things that I don't want attacked (by the big brothers) are imprisoned in the crib... I suppose that will have to change after baby is here.

MadeinMinneSEWta Baby Nest

I'm really excited about this one! After doing quite a bit of research on products like Dock-A-Tot and similar baby nests, I found MadeinMinneSEWta on Etsy and really liked her baby nests.

Hopefully this will help our new baby to feel more secure and sleep better than our older two did. We'll see. Then again, maybe sleeping well just isn't in our genes. I wish I would have had this 4.5+ years ago for E's newborn months!

W testing out the Baby Nest for little brother or sister.

Newborn Diapers Galore

I cloth diapered W as a newborn and both of the boys through toddlerhood. For this baby, I just have a bigger stash that I now own instead of borrowing! Woop! It's funny to think diapers could be so exciting - but they really are.

Cloth diapering (these days) isn't as much work as most people think. Especially with the frequency of newborn dirty diapers (what, like 10-14 a day?!), cloth diapering is a huge help and breastmilk washes out easily too.

My stash of Blueberry and Chelory diapers <3

B3 Pregnancy: Week 37 Wrap-Up

Baby is the size of ROMAINE LETTUCE this week and I'm just thankful to be healthy again. I felt so terrible for that sinus cold week that it was hard to take care of the kiddos... and it was peak harvest season too. But, hey, we survived! I did a couple yoga sessions last week just to loosen up tight muscles from that sinus cold and eased back into things this week.

And just as the sinus cold symptoms started easing off, the Braxton Hicks contraction started ramping up. I suppose it's about that time! Our W (baby 2) was born three days from now... so we'll see what this little one has planned. I'm sure he or she will throw us for a loop regardless. Kids seem to enjoy keeping us guessing!


Ekhart Yoga's Morning Bliss Yoga video (21:42)


2 mile walk/run on the treadmill. I started out with 1/4 mile intervals of jogging and walking but reverted to just walking at an incline after a couple intervals. Here marks the end of my running during this pregnancy - I'm totally content to walk until the postpartum recovery road begins.


Ekhart Yoga's Runners Yoga video (25:28)


Went out for a walk with the boys, as usual!


I was feeling pretty good in the morning so we went on a grocery walk/bike ride and then mowed part of the lawn after. Followed by the Morning Bliss Yoga video (21:42) that evening.


We made a family trip to Chik-fil-A followed by yard work. The littlest guy, the dog, and I went for a stroller walk that afternoon


Out for a walk in the afternoon.

What's new with you this week?

Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. I have heard that cloth diapers are a big saver too! Cute swing. I am sure your newborn will enjoy swinging in that! It will put them right to sleep, well hopefully:)

    1. I hope the baby enjoys the swing! Mostly, I hope our 2-year-old leaves the baby ALONE while in the swing :) He thinks baby's stuff is for him too!

  2. It has been fun to follow you through pregnancy. I totally cherished every moment of my three (and was very lucky to have low-maintenance pregnancies and births). I commend you for the cloth diapering...I had every intention of doing that, but just couldn't in the end (#laziness).

    1. I'm thankful to have your and the WeeklyWrap crew's support through this pregnancy! Time has flown by, now that it's finally time for baby to come :) This pregnancy has been very low-maintenance, which I'm thankful for. Now I'm praying that the birth is just as low-maintenance (and hopefully as fast as my second!).

  3. I have friends that did cloth diapering and i was surprised at how easy they made it sound and how stylish they are. Yours look cute! The swing sounds great - we didn't have one for our little one but there was one at daycare that he LOVED so maybe we should've gotten one!

    1. I agree - I was very hesitant to try cloth diapering and now I'm so glad I did! It's been a breeze and some daycare providers are even okay cloth diapering little ones there! And the swing... totally worth the investment :)

  4. Wow! The moment is almost here! Best of luck with everything - those diapers look so fabulous they actually make me want to go for a third!

  5. I'm wishing you the best as baby's time approaches. You really look wonderful! I'm so out of the loop -- I haven't even seen the cute cloth diapers. A swing was an absolute must for all three of mine. Thanks for linking!

  6. It is funny how they are all different from the get go! It won't be long now and it looks like you are ready!


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