Race Report: Frozen Feat 10k

After the weeks of all sorts of sick, I was feeling really frustrated. Frustrated by not being able to get as much done, by feeling so tired and headache-y and by not being able to keep up anymore.

Then I read this from the Jesus Calling devotional: "Thank Me for the conditions that are requiring you to be still"

"Being still" is something I struggle with but reading this changed my perspective. Rather than being frustrated by the influenza-ear infection/rupture-head cold-what-not, I changed my focus to seeking quietness and trust by resting in God.

While my cold didn't disappear and energy didn't return instantly, seeing the good in this "down time" took away much of my stress and frustration.

One of my goals was to feel healthy for the Frozen Feat 10k and that was accomplished! Maybe not 100% healthy, but so SO much better than before.

After picking up my husband from the airport on Friday, we were finally all together again as a family and it was awesome. He had been helping family in California for 10 days and we missed him a bunch.

The Frozen Feat race day was on Saturday and we made it a "family Valentine's Day" to make up for our time apart. The weather was a sunny 40°F (AMAZING!) and my husband, kiddos and my best friend all came to cheer me on.

Going into the race, I was hoping to beat my old PR of 46:40 (from 2012) but plans changed when I saw how icy the course was. I have absolutely no complaints about the weather and I will take icy roads over sub-zero temps any day!

I debated on wearing my YakTrax but chose not to because the course was a mix of ice and pavement. They help on the ice but the pavement really beats up those YakTrax coils!

After the gun start, I started out at a good pace but wavered throughout the race as we encountered many icy spots. Some were black ice spots and hard to see until it was too late, others were just icy puddles. Occasionally the huddle of runners I stuck with would jump off the path to run in a chunk of grass or in the snow. I had a few close calls but never completely lost footing. Thankfully.

As my husband said after the race, "What did you expect? It is the frozen feat!"... Touché.

Mile 1 - 7:10
Mile 2 - 7:20
Mile 3 - 7:32
Mile 4 - 7:46
Mile 5 - 7:35
Mile 6 - 7:49
Mile .26 - 1:50

I crossed the finish at 47:02 with soaked shoes but no wipe-outs! I couldn't hit that PR goal but the finish time was fine with me with the course conditions and my health struggles lately.

I tell you what, it just felt good to FEEL GOOD again!

This handsome guy and the rest of the cheering gang were waiting for me at the finish. P.S. My new XX2i France2 sunglasses rocked during this run! They kept the wind and the sun out of my eyes. A review will be coming in the future :)

The Frozen Feat had lots of great race swag. Each participant received a medal and a 3/4 sleeve jersey-style t-shirt. For placing 3rd Female, I received a cute Frozen Feat coffee mug, plaque and a $10 Scheels gift card.

Around 260 runners showed up for the 5k and 10k and the Frozen Feat organizers put on a great race. February's weather is unpredictable in these parts and we couldn't have asked for a better day!

My Workout Weekly Wrap: 02/13-02/19

02/13 MON: 4 mi, 00:33 @ 08:16 pace Enjoying the warm weather and country roads at my parents' place!

02/14 TUES: Happy Valentine's Day! I did a little stretching and took the kids to the library for story time and crafts. We made Valentine's and had a blast!

Roses from my Valentine

02/15 WED: 3.1 mi, 00:26 @ 08:23 pace. Fighting a head cold but the weather was too gorgeous to miss out on.

02/16 THURS: 2 mi, 00:19 @ 09:30 pace. Easy couple miles before the 10k on Saturday. That head cold is giving me trouble but a run felt nice.

02/17 FRI: Driving day! My hubs had been back in CA for a funeral and family business for 10 days. We drove to the airport and were so glad to pick him up again!

02/18 SAT: Frozen Feat 10k: 6.26 mi, 00:47 @ 07:30 pace.

02/19 SUN: Rest.

Do you race over the winter?

Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. Congrats on your finish! Even though you didn't best your previous PR you still got great swag for placing 3rd in your age group. Great job!

  2. Wow...that wasn't a PR? (gulp), that would be a major PR for me LOL Great job, regardless! The swag looks nice ;-)

    1. Thank you, Kimberly! This race had awesome swag - especially for a smaller-sized event.

  3. Perfect racing weather indeed! Congrats on your strong finish. Have a great week

  4. Great job on that race! I would not know what to do with myself if I ran in weather like that! I am glad you are feeling better, it is hard to be still but sometimes that is when the magic happens :)

    1. You know, MB, you would possibly run even faster up north! Maybe it's just me but I've found I run my best in the 30 to 60 degree temps. Hot weather makes my heart rate skyrocket!

  5. I'm so glad you're feeling better, and congrats on a great race! It sounds appropriate that the name of it was frozen feet with how icy the course was. I don't blame you to slow down a little and not go hardcore after being sick and with the course. Better safe than sorry, and you will always have more chances to PR when the weather is better. The pre-race pic of you and your son is super cute too.

    Glad y'all had a great Valentine's Day too- love the flowers!

    1. I love the "Frozen Feat" name - so clever - and usually the race is super cold as well! I just lucked out running on aw warm year :)

  6. So glad you are finally on the upswing with the sickies!Great job on the race and even though it wasn't a PR, you still made a top 3 placing, you stayed upright and you were feeling well enough to race!!! I hope you have a healthy week ahead!!!!

    1. Oh the sicknesses of this winter... yuck! I hope everyone in your house is feeling better, too! We are all finally healthy here :)

  7. Congratulations on placing 3rd overall female, especially in those icy conditions! I love the idea of getting a 3/4 sleeve jersey race shirt. I don't have one of those. Yes, I do usually race in the winter as it's prime season down south. Sadly, not too much this year though. There's always Spring! Thanks for linking, Amy!

    1. I'm loving the jersey shirt! It's so cozy and quite fitting for the winter season. I forget that winter is the race season down in the south. I need to become a snowbird and fly down to race with you and Tricia! Winter can get boring (running-wise) up here.

  8. Nice job and way to go with the time (which is AWESOME, btw). I'm so glad that you're feeling a lot better, I know that sickness has been plaguing you for awhile now. Hope you're enjoying this week!

    1. Thank you, Meredith! It has been an awesome week of feeling so... healthy! Warm temps always lift the spirits, too :)

  9. What a great day for you and congratulations to your placing! Isn't it just the best to have your family there when you cross that finish? Have a great weekend Amy and Thanks for linking up with us each week!

    1. Thank you, Tricia! Having the family there is my favorite!


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