Hot, Hot, Hot Chocolate!

Well I've got some exciting news.

A surprise race has made it's way onto my 2017 running calendar and it's a first. My first race for BibRave and my first 15k: The Hot Chocolate 15k Minneapolis.

Every time I think of this race the "Hot Chocolate" song from the Polar Express comes to mind. If you haven't heard it yet, I highly encourage you to take a second to listen :)

Hot, Hot - Hey, We've got it! - Hot Chocolate!

The race swag is pretty amazing. Because, well, I love chocolate and one can never have too many cute hoodies. Plus with the "MinnHCBR" code when registering, you receive a bonus visor. Pretty cool. I mean hot! 

I received a free 7-week race plan when I registered which was great because... how do you train for a 15k? Not a 10k but not quite a half and definitely not a full.

The plan has been a great motivator for me to jump back into "training mode" again. I have missed those long runs!

Anywhoo, I'm really excited for this race and a trip to "the city". I hope my family can join me so we can check out Lego Land and visit a new church for Easter service while we're down there. It's quite a drive so we might as well make a vacation out of it!

My Workout Weekly Wrap: 02/20-02/26


3.22 mi, 00:30 @ 09:19 pace. Shaking out the legs after the Frozen Feat 10k and enjoying the remainder of our warm weather streak.

My Yaktrax broke a coil!


4 mi, 00:38 @ 09:30 pace. Easy miles with the pup joining me for a couple.


Runner's Yoga video (25:29) and 6 x 1:00 planks


(Treadmill) 5 mi, 00:41 @ 08:07 pace. Tempo run while watching the tail end of "Finding Dory" with the kids.


Vinyasa Yoga Flow video (17:55)


8.11 mi, 01:07 @ 08:14 pace. Let the Hot Chocolate 15k training begin!


Rest day with the family! Church and waffles included, of course.

What is your ultimate FAVORITE distance to race?

Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. My favorite distance to race is probably the half marathon. When I was training for a marathon (RIP, thanks to injuries), I used one as a training run with some added miles, but I like training specifically for them as I seem to be better at them than 5Ks. I do like 5Ks though because they're a great tempo workout and substitute for a weekly speedwork.

    This race sounds so fun! I would be refueling with some hot chocolate after those runs too, especially the YakTrak runs but kudos for you getting outside to run in that cold. Looks like you had a good first week back to training.

  2. Yay for running the Hot Chocolate race and getting a chance to visit the city.

    I have not heard that song before.

  3. Aggggh, now I'm singing the hot chocolate song too! I'll be running the Philly race and I can't wait. Can't wait to hear about your experience! xo

  4. Anything with the word chocolate...well, I'm all for it! I like the half distance but really enjoyed my first 10 miler last fall. We don't have many of those around, sadly. There is always a song in my head on ready, and I've seen Polar Express (it was the first movie my youngest sat through) but I can't come up with that song! What's wrong with me? LOL. Thanks for linking, Amy!

  5. Oh the Hot Chocolate series is so much fun! I hope you love it! The 15K distance is nice too- just enough to require some extra training :) Enjoy!

  6. I have wanted to do a Hot Chocolate race since I was able to do a half. I hope I can make it come together soon!


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