Who's Got Goals? I Do, I Do!

Three weeks into January and I'm finally sitting down to write out goals for 2017.

Yes, I'm going to DO THIS! I'm a goal-happy kind of person but this year it has been harder to articulate them and to narrow it down to what is most important.

1. Live Confidently in My Calling

I turn 30 this year and this new decade will be one of living boldly, confidently and unapologetically in my God-given calling. The 20's decade was crazy! So much change — single college student, grad, career woman, new wife, first-time homeowners, first-time mom, stay-at-home mom, moving to a new town and mom to two — I hardly recognize my 20-year-old self. My twenties were full of newness and huge life changes.

This year I am sharing more about my struggles in person and in writing on this blog. Sharing opens up a door to encourage and band together with others who are riding the same struggle bus. (Sidenote: I love to say "struggle bus". Got it from my youngest brother!)

It's easy to feel like "I'm the only one that struggles with _____" but it's never true.

The exhausting months of raising a tremendously sweet but very high-need baby, making time for God's Word and prayer in unpredictable life seasons, judgement of homebirthing and extended breastfeeding, worries of a new homeschooling parent, victories and crazies of toddler parenting, uncertainties of TTC (trying to conceive), the unique challenges of a marathon running mom, the balancing act that is life. Those are a few of the topics I haven't been able to put to words over the last couple years.

This year, I will share more in hopes of spurring on those who are wearing similar shoes.

2. Find a Routine That Works for Now

What I'm learning in life with little ones is that a certain routine works for a while and then something (or someone) changes and the routine needs to adjust accordingly. I think it should be call "season fluidity".

For example, now that our youngest is 19 months old and IS sleeping through the night — finally, praise the Lord! — the early morning wake-ups are getting easier and the kids are both becoming more predictable. My body still feels so tired but I know it's time to establish a stronger morning routine again. It's like I have a "tired hangover" from being so sleep deprived for the past year and a half!

The goal is a 10:00 p.m. bedtime and 6:00 a.m. wake-up. I have done it before in past seasons (actually 5:30) but it's a habit I need to re-form. Funny thing... now that I have a smartphone again, it even tells me when to go to bed. A tad bit ridiculous but effective as well :)

3. Build My Lifetime Running Base

Last year I ran three full marathons and this year I have zero on the year's schedule. I have dropped obvious hints in past posts and since I'm becoming more vulnerable officially today (see Goal #1), I will tell you that babies are on my mind, not marathons.

While I really enjoy training and especially racing, I'm exercising for now to maintain basic fitness and add bricks to build up my "lifetime running base". Greg McMillan explains that we all experience seasons in life when we need to take a planned or unplanned break from training. The key is to do what you can in your current season.

After my past pregnancy and postpartum experiences, my thoughts about these "slow down" periods have changed. Though I may not run as fast or as much mileage as I do during training periods, I am still gaining running experience and knowledge... and I may pick up a few spontaneous races here and there.

Each workout is a "penny" added to my lifetime fitness "piggy bank".

"You (Only Faster)" by Greg McMillan, p.252

That's a wrap! I'm already loving this new year and look forward with excitement for the year ahead.

And I can't wait to break in my new journal — I'm kind of a journal-writing fanatic :)

Weekly Wrap: 01/09-01/15

01/09 MON: (Treadmill) 4 mi, 00:36 @ 09:05 pace.

01/10 TUES: Runner's Yoga (25:28)

01/11 WED: (Treadmill) 4 mi, 00:31 @ 07:51 pace. 400m speed intervals.

01/12 THURS: Vinyasa Yoga Flow (17:55) and Bowflex plank/push-up video on Youtube.

01/13 FRI: (Treadmill) 7.22 mi, 01:00 @ 08:18 pace. If the weather stays like this, I'm never going outside again!

01/14 SAT: Out of town with my parents and siblings. We stayed in a hotel the night before and pretty much everyone slept terrible. Felt like a zombie the rest of the weekend!

01/15 SUN: Off.

What is one goal you are working toward for 2017?

Linking up with Wild Workout WednesdayHolly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up and Mommy Moments.


  1. I haven't planned out anything yet for 2017 but have at least put some recent thought into it. Progress. I think this year will be amazing for you. I didn't run at all when my kids were tots. I'm so impressed by your ability to do that. I definitely agree about the seasons. Running with always be there for you in whatever capacity you choose! Thanks for linking, Amy!

    1. Thank you, Holly! You've been a little busy already this year - with the Walt Disney Marathon and all - I don't blame you for not having goals completely chiseled out yet. P.S. I'm so proud of you for rocking the WDW 26.2!!! What a race :)

  2. I hope your 30's are just as fulfilling for you as your 20's were. And yes, everybody struggles with something!

  3. Living confidently is a great goal and not always easy. I feel as I age I am becoming more comfortable with who I am.

    1. I feel like I am getting better with each year as well, Deborah! I hope confidence comes with age and maturity - it's a gradual learning curve :)

  4. I love your goal of living confidently. I agree with Deborah, I definitely find as I get older I am much more comfortable with being me :)

  5. I love this post! #2 and #3 are where I'm at right now, too. I have to figure out what works for now because now is where I am (whether it's better or worse than before) and I also need to build the lifetime base outside of training for something. Awesome goals for your year!

  6. I think your goals are awesome! It's great that you're not necessarily taking time off from running, but scaling back on the racing is a wise choice. I didn't become a runner until my kids were all in school, and cannot imagine being able to juggle mommyhood (to little ones) while training for big races. I know some can do all that, but I know I would not have been able to LOL Good luck with everything ;-)

    1. It's all different seasons, right? I can't imagine keeping up with school-aged kiddos and all their activities yet!! That's a lot to juggle as well!

      Thank you and have a wonderful 2017!

  7. I don't have kiddos right now, but do have a fiance with a crazy work schedule. So definitely agree with the need for fluidity. We want to be able to see each other & spend time together, so sometimes that means adapting routines every time his schedule changes.

    I think you're smart to do the same with kiddos.

    1. Adapting - that's just life, isn't it! Exactly like you said, we need to adjust our schedules to maximize time spent with loved ones. Totally worth it! Keeping those priorities straight.

  8. Yes sometimes we as mothers have to change our goals and training for different seasons of life. When I started running, my three children were younger and not so involved in activities. Now my oldest is 13 and plays travel soccer and varsity high school soccer, my middle daughter dances three days a week for Performance Team and regular classes, and my son is 5 and will start baseball again soon. The weekends are full and I try to plan around them. So I'm racing less and putting my marathon dreams behind me for now. I tried to train for one twice last year and could not find the time for those extra long training runs. Great job on writing down your goals and I'm glad your 19 month old is sleeping through the night! God is so good! Hope you have a great week!

    1. It makes me think of Ecclesiastes 3, "For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven." There are seasons to do more and seasons to do less! It's all about staying flexible and keeping priorities in the right order.

      You're one busy lady but I know you will never regret the time invested in your family :) And I know I'm going to miss these days with toddlers running around the house!

  9. I totally believe in the lifetime fitness bank, especially after this weekend. And yes, we do have seasons of life where training is not priority #1 (imho, family and taking care of yourself should always be ahead of training). Even scaling back on the races, you're still getting some good workouts in and that will benefit you when you do decide to race some more.

    1. You have had such an amazing journey, Amy! After a year of racing, injury and recovery, you are making such a come back - those workouts stored up in your fitness bank are for sure paying off.

  10. You've got great goals this year. I compleatly agree about the seasons of life. Motherhood has seasons within seasons and schedules and routines are constantly changing as children go through so many stages and phases. Just as one phase of babyhood is ending, a new toddlerhood phase is beginning... And then then they are big kids then tween then teens...... Things are always moving and changing and us mammas have to learn fluidity rather quickly.
    It's great you are still running and training when you can. Races will always be there for you when you are ready, no matter what stage or season you are in

    1. Ugh! Time SLOW DOWN! Don't even get me thinking about teens, Melissa :) I haven't even survived potty training my second child yet... There definitely are seasons within seasons!

  11. I am trying to stick to an earlier bedtime as well. It's not always easy is it?

    1. Oh it is SO hard to go to bed on time! Especially with dangerous things like... Netflix ;)

  12. We all have a ticket for that struggle bus! It's so catchy ;)

  13. I don't know how you do it with kids, I didn't start running until after mine were in their teens and I couldn't imagine it without being super organized and even then it would be a challenge. Thing is you always seem to fit in what you want to do! I know sitting down and making goals and plans are what make them reality! I still struggle with getting in the bed early!

    1. Exactly, Tricia - we make time for what we want to do! I try to keep my expectations realistic for this season and make the best of it. These years are so precious!


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