The Week of the Couchathon

Looking back on the week, my most prized accomplishment was bleaching the bathroom Monday night after the kids started feeling well again.

Other than that, I didn't really get much else done.

Both of the littles had a "cold" (or so I thought) for a few days last week and I was sure that I had escaped sickness' grasp. Turns out I was quite incorrect in that assumption!

The exhaustion and fever continued for five days, affectionately dubbing this week my "couchathon". I don't remember the last time I've laid around so much!

I did my best to keep the kids busy with little activities here and there while I laid around like a vegetable sipping Alka-Seltzer Plus.

Cold sweats, hot flashes, gunky coughing, wheezing, body aches, major fatigue. I don't like to self-diagnose but I bet you a batch of cookie bars that this wasn't just a cold!

The very-flu-like sickness took a run through our household and I'm ever thankful that our kids get the flu shot. Their bout hardly slowed them down. As for me, my body had a really hard time fighting this and I'm still recovering.

I did a few rounds of yoga this week and the calm stretching helped relieve the body aches. By Saturday, I was feeling antsy enough to try running but my trip with the pup proved to be very short. My lungs just aren't there yet.

I think he was annoyed by the brevity of our run!

My Workout Weekly Wrap: 01/23-01/29

01/23 MON: Started coming down with a "chest cold" over the weekend and had a slight fever (99). The kids and I played outside in the morning and I did the Vinyasa Yoga Flow video (17:55) in the evening.

01/24 TUES: Went to the library in the morning because I thought I was feeling better and by evening I had a 101.7 fever. Woops.

01/25 WED: Vegged out on the couch. We watched the "Minions" movie in the morning and I basically supervised their playing while laying down... Hot flashes, cold sweat, dizzy and totally wiped with the fever moving down to 101.2.

01/26 THURS: We watched the "Minions" movie again this morning! (I must be out of my mind) Feeling better and I did have enough energy for a relaxing Hatha yoga video (34:06).

01/27 FRI: The fever is gone - Hallelujah! - but I still feel like a zombie walking around. Went for a <2 mile walk/run with the dog and, while the fresh air was wonderful, I'm not ready for any cardio for a while.

01/28 SAT: We took the kids sledding in the neighborhood. Very fun, though the cold air makes me cough up a lung! Kids are feeling quite peppy. In the evening I did a round of Runner's Yoga (25:29),

01/29 SUN: Rest

Have you been sick this winter?
Tell me something exciting about your week!

Linking up with Wild Workout Wednesday and Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. Being sick is the pits! Especially when it hits your whole household, as these things usually do. I hope you are back to 100% soon... at least you caught up with some movies, I guess, but it still sucks!

  2. Glad you are feeling better! Alka seltzer plus is my go to med for a cold! I like the orange fizzies!

    I bet the yoga felt good to get your achy body up and stretching. Have a good week Amy.

    1. Alka seltzer plus is the BEST! Night time doesn't taste as good as that Orange fizzy but it sure helps me sleep :)

  3. Yes, I have been sick. I typically don't get sick, but when I do, it's a major kick in the gut. Although my "sickness" was not as extreme as yours was, it was tough navigating through the first couple days with a ginormous workload (from being out of town the week prior). Onward!

    1. Catching up is almost worse than being sick, isn't it Kimberly?! Even just the laundry... I'm drowning!

  4. Being sick like that is tough enough, but with two small kids to keep entertained -- yikes! I hope you are feeling better. The sledding on Saturday sounds fun. Thanks for linking, Amy!

    1. They were so good though, Holly! Now that we're all back and feeling healthy again I am SO grateful!

  5. Girl, I have totally been there- being sick and having to make a movie day camp out on the couch. Hope you have bounced back and are back in the swing of things!!

  6. I'm glad you're feeling better! Being sick is the worst!


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