Training Weeks 8 and 9: A Peek at Our Colorado Adventures

We have been back home for a week now and I'm finally caught up enough to share a little of our Colorado adventures!

Being the flat-lander that I am, the mountains are absolutely amazing. Everything on this earth is God's creation — yes, even the pancake-flat places — and exploring a new place gives me a whole new sense of awe. These verses sum it up perfectly:
When I consider Your heavens,
the work of Your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which You have set in place,
what is mankind that You are mindful of them,
human beings that You care for them?
Psalm 8:3-4
Here are a few of my favorite shots summarized in one sentence. (If I don't aim to keep it brief, I will end up writing an entire novel.)

The weather was perfect and we enjoyed a lot of outdoor cousin play-time!

We had breath-taking view of Longs Peak from our cabin covered in a fresh layer of snow.

The hubs and I enjoyed these super huge and delicious nachos at "The Wapiti" on our date in town.

The view of Longs Peak and the Twin Sisters Peak on the run was something I never want to forget.

The Thomas the Train set was the kids' favorite part of the library trip.

We looooved the Denver Zoo and the 60°F weather that day!


Fargo Marathon Training Week 8:

Week 8 of training took place a few miles from Estes Park, CO at 9,200 ft. elevation while we visited our family. Whew! The combination of running at altitude and the rolling hills rocked me.

I took the week off of "training" but still went out for a few runs to enjoy the mountains.

02/22 Monday - Near Estes Park, Colorado: 2.25 mi, 00:24 @ 10:32 avg pace.

02/23 Tuesday - Off.

02/24 Wednesday - Near Estes Park, Colorado: 3.04 mi, 00:33 @ 10:56 avg pace.

02/25 Thursday - Off. Hiked .4 miles around Lily Lake with baby in the Boba carrier.

02/26 Friday - Near Estes Park, Colorado: 3.31 mi, 00:36 @ 10:59 pace. We went to the Denver Zoo later that day and it was AWESOME!!!

02/27 Saturday - Driving home day 1.

02/28 Sunday - Driving home day 2.

Week 8 Mileage: 8.6 miles

Fargo Marathon Training Week 9:

Back at our homeland at a comfy 830 ft. elevation this week ☺

02/29 Monday - Easy-Effort: (Treadmill) 3.39 mi, 00:30 @ avg 08:51 pace.

03/01 Tuesday - Tempo Intervals: 4 mi, 00:31 @ avg 07:50 pace. 4 x 1k @ 7:01-6:50/mile pace.

03/02 Wednesday - Off.

03/03 Thursday - E's 3rd birthday! Tempo: 6.1 mi, 00:50 @ 08:08 pace. First outdoor tempo run of the year! Icy in town, soupy gravel roads but it was a tempo run none the less :) 4.5 miles @ 7:50/mile pace.

03/04 Friday - Recovery: (Treadmill) 2 mi, 00:20 @ 09:50 avg pace.

03/05 Saturday - Long Run: 16 mi, 02:17 @ 08:32 avg pace. I met that handsome little snowcat rider  pictured below when I returned from the run!

03/06 Sunday - Off.

Week 9 Mileage: 31.49 miles

A photo posted by Amy W (@creativeaim87) on

What has been your favorite adventure in the past year?

Linking up with Fitness Health & Happiness


  1. I love that Psalm and I so want to be there! It is my dream one day to go to snowy mountains :)

    1. Aren't they amazing!? I wouldn't mind living a little closer to some :)

  2. We love Colorado. If it were up to me we would live there. Have a great weekend Amy!

    1. Same here, Jill! I would love to live there :)


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