6 Ways to Healthify Your Family Camping Trip

Now that camping season is in full swing, I am sharing a few ways to "healthify" your family camping trip with Jessica, Jill and the rest of the crew on the Fit Dish link-up.

We leaving for our first camping trip as a family of 4 in a few days and I am using these tactics to keep myself from eating only s'mores for the entire weekend! This post contains affiliate links.

6 Ways to Healthify Your Camping Trip

Dress for the Weather

Pack outfits that encourage being active - whatever the weather brings. Don't let the weather keep you inside! Bring waterproof jackets in case of rain and long-sleeve shirts or layers for the cold. To protect yourself and your family from the rays, include hats, sunglasses and sunscreen along with your regular activewear.

Bring the Child-Carrying Devices

To get the whole family moving, load up the baby carrier and the single or double jogging stroller. Our Boba Baby Carrier is perfect for carrying our newborn on all-terrain hikes and the BOB Ironman Duallie Stroller is my favorite for pushing the two along paved routes.

Hunt Down a Campground Map

Print off a map of the campground area online or request one from the main campground office. Take note of the trails, playgrounds, beaches and other sites you want to take in during your trip. Make special note of any running trails to check out!

Make Time to Relax

Allow for some down time on your camping trip. Having a couple goals for the day is great but a day jam packed with activities doesn't go very well with little ones. Make time for the kids to nap or have rest time - and the adults can use a break, too!

Plan Your Meals

Make a list of the groceries needed for your camping trip and what meals you will be having. I take zero credit for this on our trip. We are camping with family and my mom is the planner-extraordinaire! Don't forget to pack an assortment of snacks such as homemade muffins, fruits, veggies or even Clif Bars for the longer hikes.

Bring Your Own Water

Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water rather than juice, pop or alcoholic beverages. Bring your favorite water bottle along. You may want to consider bringing a few jugs of water from home. Sometimes campsite water can taste downright funky!

Hope you are having a wonderful summer so far!

What are your healthy camping tips?
What is your favorite summer getaway?

Linking up with Jessica and Jill at the Fit Dish link-up. #dishthefit


  1. Bringing your own healthy snacks is a great idea. I brought small packages of nut butter for some extra protein. Happy camping!

    1. Packing nut butter is a great idea! Today is my packing day so I will be sure to throw in a container of nut butter :)

  2. have fun camping! what do you mean you can't eat smores all weekend? yikes! that is the best part :) yes we always carry water and snacks wherever we go, it is a huge help and money saver too!

    1. Yes, MB... why do s'mores have to be so tasty?!?! I wish I didn't like them!

  3. Very much agreed on packing your own healthy snacks! <3 I hope you have fun camping! (I haven't gone in years--I hope I get to again at some point!)

    1. I hope you get to go camping sometime soon! I love camping but we only go once or twice a year :)

  4. Great tips! Have fun camping this summer!

  5. We love to camp! Great tips Amy. For camping and traveling in general. #fitfamlove

    1. Me, too, Jill! Hope you had a great fourth of July :)

  6. This post makes me want to go camping! And I was just talking to my husband about maybe going in the Fall and finding some good hiking trails. Thanks for the tips!

    1. I hope you can fit some camping in this year, Bri! Our trip wasn't super restful as our toddler was moving constantly and the newborn was nursing (near constantly!), yet there is something so relaxing about camping :)


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