Baby #2 Predictions + 21 Week Update

We had Baby 2's ultrasound this week!

The ultrasound tech gave E a mega-load of stickers for being such a good big brother. He sat relatively well, only broke one crayon and got stuck in the chair twice.

We didn't find out Baby's gender but we can still have some fun making predictions! A little anticipation will help to pass the next months before Baby 2's arrival. The doctor said Baby 2 looks great and is measuring right on track!

Baby 2's side profile, little feet and face

I sent a mini survey around to my family and so far the general consensus is that we're having:

  • Gender: Girl
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Weight: 6.5 to 7 lbs.
  • Birth Day: end of May

As for me, I feel like we are having a girl this time due to my increased morning sickness, more intense pregnancy symptoms and being more tired than pregnancy #1. Then again, I also thought E was a girl and Leo guessed boy - he won a cheeseburger for guessing right.

Baby's gender is up in the air, but I am pretty certain we're having a dark-haired, dark-eyed little one like our E. Can't wait to meet him or her this spring! We've got a favorite girl name and we're still brainstorming boy names... fun name ideas are welcome :)

Pregnancy Week 21: Baby #2

E has mastered the weekly belly picture by now.

Baby's Size: Pomegranate, average fetus size: 10.5 in, 12.7 oz.

Cravings: Eggs, American cheese, cheesy popcorn, macaroni & cheese. Cheese. More cheese.

My attempt to "healthify" boxed mac & cheese

Aversions: Food without cheese. (just kidding, I'm not that cheese-crazed)

I'm Feeling: A little less tired and excited that Leo is coming home next week! Baby kicked the activity into high gear this week and I feel a lot of kicking and punching. I think it's time to start digging through our newborn baby clothes to get the gender neutral outfits set out... nesting already?!

Sleep: We (E and I) are both sleeping better now that we are at home more. It feels good to be in our house, though we do miss Grandma and Grandpa!

Weight: +10 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight.

My Prayer for Baby: "Thank You, Lord, for our ultrasound this week and for blessing Baby 2's growth and development. Continue to be with him/her over the next few months and help us all to prepare for our little one's arrival! I pray that You help my body to carry Baby to full-term and give me victory over my fears with preterm labor and adjusting to being a mom of 2. Amen."
But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 CORINTHIANS 15:57-58 (emphasis added by me)
Last Week's Workouts:
Monday: 3.01 treadmill miles, 9:58/mile.
Tuesday: Ctollerun strength training
Wednesday: 4.014 treadmill miles, 9:57/mile.
Thursday: G-Fit Workout of the Day
Friday: 3.01 treadmill miles, 9:58/mile.
3.11 snowy, slushy miles with the jogging stroller and dog. 10:18/mile.
Saturday: Extra recovery and stretching day. Found my muscle roller!
Total Mileage: 13.144 miles
46°F and sunny in January?! I could hardly believe it!

What are your predictions for Baby 2?
If you're a parent, have you correctly guessed your baby's gender before?

Linking up at Mommy Moments.


  1. Stopping by from the link-up. I had this gut feeling the moment I got our bfp. I just knew we were having a girl. I was right! Strangely enough I have the same feeling this time despite the fact that almost everyone believes we'll have a boy this time. Just a few more weeks and we'll know!

    1. So exciting that you will know in only a few more weeks! Congrats in advance, Kristy!

  2. I enjoyed reading this update! the Lord bless you as you prepare to welcome this precious little one into your family! :-)

  3. You are looking good! I am guessing you are having a little girl. I really had no idea as to the gender prior to having both of my kids. I maybe had a slight feeling that I was having a girl towards the end of my pregnancy with Mirella, but that was about it.

    1. Thank you, Melissa! It's fun to at least guess baby's gender now and we're so excited to meet him or her in June! Until then, I'm just sorting out whatever gender neutral onesies we have from E's newborn box :)


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