My 5 All-Time Best Health & Fitness Decisions #dishthefit

It's Tuesday and that means we have our ultrasound for Baby #2 this afternoon!

And it's time to #dishthefit with Jill and Jessica at the Fit Dish link-up. The topic for this week is to share your five all-time best health and fitness decisions.

Here are my all-time best health/fitness-related decisions that I've ever made. Make sure to stop by the link-up to check out the other posts. This will be fun because everyone's list will be a little different!

My 5 All-Time Best Health & Fitness Decisions

1. Waking Up!

The 5:30 a.m. time slot is the best time for me to fit in time to read my Bible and run a few miles before the toddler tornado wakes up. It doesn't always feel good to wake up but I never regret starting my morning with God and a good run!

2. Just Signing Up.

Having a goal race in mind keeps me focused and motivated to exercise on the days that I just don't feel like it. My love for running all started with signing up for a 5k on a whim and now long-distance running is something I hope to do for life. Just sign up!

A year after that first 5k, I ran my first marathon and I've been hooked ever since.

3. Form a Support System.

Keep in close community with those who encourage you! And let the negative things people say to tear you down go in one ear and out the other. My husband, family, friend, and other women who value fitness keep me motivated and moving forward every day. #fitfam

4. Strength Train + Stretch.

When I first started running marathons I did about zero strength training and minimal tightness. After working through some IT band issues and hip tightness, I learned that regular strength training and stretching post-run keep the pain at bay. Especially while running pregnant now, alternating running and strength training days works best for me and rolling out my muscles often keeps my legs fresh.

My favorite muscle roller ever! Now could someone tell me where the toddler hid it???

5. Create a Budget-Friendly Home Gym.

It's a challenge to make it to the gym with a little one at home, especially if the gym doesn't offer childcare! Having a home gym means it is possible to fit in a workout early in the morning, during nap-time or even after bedtime without leaving the house.

Buying our own treadmill has been a well-worth-it investment as it has paid itself off in a year rather than paying a monthly gym membership. We just got a secondhand dumbbells and barbell weight set last week - so excited! The yoga mat and foam roller are from way back in my single days and are still in great condition.

A home gym doesn't have to be expensive, especially if you are willing to go secondhand! A post on creating a home gym on a budget is coming in the future...

My "Home Gym" = Treadmill + Free Weights + Yoga Mat + Foam Roller

What is one of your best health/fitness decisions ever?

Linking up at the Fit Dish and Fitness Friday.


  1. Having home workouts and home gym workouts is sooo key for me too! Right now there isn't any realistic way I could make it to a gym (working to make that change) or it would at least make another a few $s spent ensures that I have what I need at home (and I can wear old nasty sweats and not feel bad about it)...great job!

    1. Yes! I completely agree on being able to wear what you want when working out at home! I actually run in my sports bra when it's just me working out in our basement... It's definitely not something I would do out in our neighborhood but helps so much to cool me down (especially as my belly is growing!).

  2. This was a great post, and one I needed to hear. I love your perspective on getting up early, and how you admitted it doesn't feel good, but it's always worth it. I am so impressed by your journey, and I can't wait to foam roll today. Oi! #fitfamlove Keep up the amazingness, Amy!

  3. Great list! :) Strength training has really been one of my best health decisions ever. I've had some injuries in the past, so I'm determined to get stronger so I can keep them at bay.

    1. Same here! For so long I solely ran and supplementing with strength training has actually made me a faster runner plus no injuries - win, win!

  4. You are a trooper for getting yourself up that early in the morning! I'm horrrrrible at being a morning person, but have been forcing myself to wake up at 6-6:30 on weekdays (out of necessity, to be a functional member of society, haha).

    Yay for strength training! :] I'm really hoping that someday, when I'm done moving around everywhere, I'll get to settle somewhere and make a super-awesome home gym! <3

    1. I am a trooper some days, but I can't promise you I'm up EVERY day at 5:30 :) If it's a non-running day, I prefer to get up at 6 am and then my toddler can strength train "with" me. Which means he lays on the yoga mat and flops around like a fish or dances to music...

  5. My alarm is set for 5:30 too and I normally wake up right before it goes off- that time to myself each morning is so important to me! Great habit :)

    1. Rising early is such a great habit, Mary Beth! It feels like the day goes so much smoother with an early start.

  6. Love love my home gym! I should have included my waking up too. Being a morning person made all the difference in consistency and starting my day on a positive note.

    Thanks for sharing with the #fitfam!

  7. I am with you on the home gym! Now that I have one, I don't think I could even go back to LA Fitness or the like. Mine doesn't have much, but it's super cool that you don't really need much to get your workout on at home!

    1. Exactly - home gyms are simple and don't have to be super expensive either! I do miss being around the people at the gym BUT I really didn't like paying for a monthly gym membership (and then trying to find childcare) :)

  8. Yes, waking up early in the morning is so key for me! If I don't get my workout done early in the morning, it's so much harder to fit it into the rest of my day with two little ones in tow! Home gyms are awesome and I'm so glad that we have one!

    1. I agree - it is so much harder to fit the workout in later in the day!

  9. Getting up early is my best choice, and I can't get other people to see it as anything but crazy. They think I'm nuts to get up at 5:30 and in bed by 10. But I feel so much better than when I sleep in late. I can't stand when people tell me "Oh, I just can't do anything in the morning." I'm always like...have you tried?

    1. I'm the same way - early to bed and early to rise! It's a schedule that works for us and seems to work with our toddler, too :)


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