Thankful Things: Camping Edition

This weekend, little E and I went camping at the Itasca State Park with my family. We had an absolute blast despite the weather being a bit chilly and the fact that Leo couldn't join us. The farm is busy with harvest so both Leo and Uncle Wayne stayed home to work (while we went to play... that doesn't sound fair!).

There are too many pictures that I could share from this weekend so here are "just" a few things (and people) that I am thankful for!

My 8 Thankful Things

First of all, it was my dad's birthday this week and I was excited to give him his birthday present >>> Pumpkin and carrot cake muffins that I later smothered in buttercream frosting:

Sibling time. I had so much fun being with my brothers and my sister-in-law this weekend. E loves those uncles and his auntie!

On Saturday, we headed out on a family run-bike-roll. My parents were biking, the guys were long-boarding, and the girls ran (with E in the stroller). 5 miles out-and-back with hills. Running on actual hills is a rarity for me! That's probably why we look so excited.

A Happily Sleeping Toddler. E had a hard time sleeping in the RV and I was so thankful he fell asleep on our run. It's just no fun when he is tired and cranky! Like my mom said, "Sleeping baby, happy mommy."

Fudge Samples. The Headwaters Gift Shop had free fudge sampling, which is really dangerous. Salted nut roll was great, chocolate cherry was... okay, and the watermelon fudge was unique. Fruit-flavored fudge was a first for me.

We took a breather after all those samples and then headed out on the road again. I had to let all that fudge settle before the last 2.5 miles.

Burnt S'Mores. Camping isn't camping without s'mores and I like 'em burnt.

Family Memories. I'm thankful E gets this time to bond with Grandma and Grandpa, his uncles, and aunt. I love watching him make memories like these:

The "Feed Me" Face. Not sure what he wanted to eat, but I hope someone fed him quickly! He wants whatever good things you're eating.

Leo, a.k.a. "Daddy". I saved the best for last. I am so thankful for my husband, for the long hours he works to provide for our family, and for the great job that God has blessed him with!

Spending time in God's creation and just getting away from ordinary life makes me feel even more in awe of God and all He does for us on a daily basis. Technology is helpful and has its place, yet "unplugging" from the noise and distractions of this world re-boots my soul. This verse from 1 Chronicles has stuck with me. It's simple and it's the Truth.
Sing to Him, sing praise to Him; Tell of all His wonderful acts.
1 Chronicles 16:9
What weekend things are you thankful for?
Have you ever tried watermelon fudge?

Linking up at Mommy Moments and Titus 2 Tuesdays.


  1. I love that you can workout with your family! I wish mine was more active, but they are not really interested in working out. Smores are definitely a must for a campfire, and they make me want more! Love the feed me face haha!

    1. Yes, I am so thankful my family is active! We had a blast on that 5-mile outing. S'mores are SO good, I agree! They are probably one of my favorite parts of camping :)


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