Taper Week + Apple Everything

It's taper week for this Saturday's half marathon! That means I'm A.) Attempting to rest (whatever that means with a toddler at home) and B.) Baking a lot.

This morning's run was a "dress rehearsal" for race day; basically, just wear whatever you plan on wearing on race day and make sure everything works. By "works" I mean, no chafing, rubbing, or blistering issues. I haven't met a single person who enjoys chafing and blisters! Vaseline is a runner's best friend.

Here we are, my "dress rehearsal", minus the construction worker's vest and hand light (it was 5:30 a.m.). I suppose the dark running gear won't be necessary on race day as the race starts at 8:00 a.m. Running in the daylight will be quite a treat!

E and I are heading to the race expo on Friday and then getting some power groceries - I'm looking forward to both! Love race expos... and groceries. Leo has duties this weekend and won't be able to watch me run, but I am very excited to spend time with my best friend this weekend. We're having a girls' night (plus E) on Friday and she is babysitting while I run on Saturday.

For each race, I write a verse from Scripture on my arm and I'm thinking this is the one for Saturday >>> Psalm 115:1 reminds me of God being my #1 priority. Everything we do is all for His glory! Keeping my eyes on God enables me to compete with less stress and more joy.
Not to us, LORD, not to us but to Your Name be the glory, because of Your love and faithfulness. PSALM 115:1
My favorite little cheeser

When Life Gives You Apples...

Make lots of apple things, eat wayyy too many apple-related dishes in one week, and completely burn out on apples.

One of our awesome neighbors gave me a whole load of apples last week! I have been an apple-bake-a-holic in order to cook them up before they spoil. I definitely have the "carb-loading" aspect of racing mastered. Here are a few recipes that I've tried so far:

Crockpot Apple Crisp. Easy to make, delicious, and relatively healthy (for a dessert).

Crockpot Apple Crisp Recipe

Overnight Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal. Something fun to try with steel cut oats.

Overnight Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

Apple Cinnamon Granola. This recipe was one of my favorites, especially with peanut butter and dates added to the recipe.

Apple Cinnamon Granola

Homemade Apple Sauce. My neighbor gave me a quick run-down of how to make homemade apple sauce. Making apple sauce was much easier than I expected but peeling the apples did take a while.

Homemade Apple Sauce

Apple-Filled Crepes. Since the guys are gone for harvest most evenings, E and I can eat breakfast food for supper :)

Apple-Filled Crepes

The apple crisp was E's favorite!

Do you have any half marathon taper tips?
What is your favorite apple-related recipe?

Linking up at Tuesdays on the Run and Fitness Friday.


  1. I'm eating a McIntosh apple right now! My favorite apple recipe might be apple crisp. I hope you have a great time at the half marathon!

    1. Thank you, Tina! Apple crisp is one of my favorites, too - especially with some caramel added :)

  2. Just finished an apple :) Love local apples in fall, planning to make apple pumpkin muffins today.
    Good luck with the half, have fun and enjoy the race.

    1. Apple pumpkin muffins sound like the perfect fall treat! I do need to bake some muffins again :)

  3. I just learned what taper was and AMEN on your scripture!!!!!

    1. Taper is so huge... I look forward to it and then when I'm actually trying to taper, I don't like it. Weird.

      That verse definitely got me through Saturday's race!

  4. Oh my!! These apple recipes look amazing! It's been a while since I have had apple sauce and I tried making my own once but I didn't cook the apples first ~ I was trying to blend them raw. LOL

    1. This was my first go at apple sauce and it was a breeze - though cooking the apples was key! I chopped them up and left them in the crockpot for like 4 hours to cook them. Easy peasy!

  5. I'm working on an apple recipe now. The Honeycrisp apples are so good and it's surprisingly early. Yay!

    1. If you share it on your blog, I will definitely check that apple recipe out! Love apples!


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