Yet Another Race + 5 Favorite Summer Toddler Activities

This week, I am linking up with the toddler series, "One Year and Beyond" and we are sharing our favorite summer toddler activities.

This summer has been eventful one and I am so thankful for the beautiful weather! Though I am not a huge fan of 5k's, E and I ran one together last weekend. The 5k course went right by our house and was on my usual running route. Can't beat that! Also, running a local race is a great way to meet the other runners in our new hometown.

Daddy was gone this weekend for his other job so E and I took on this race together. It actually went very well and we maintained an average pace of 7:01/mile to finish in 22:04. That was a new 5k PR for me with and without a stroller!

My prayer during the race was "Lord, please don't let me fall on my face." That prayer may sound a bit trivial and shallow, but God truly cares about even the little things on our heart and I was seriously nervous about falling!

Racing with a jogging stroller takes a little extra coordination, especially because the course took a lot of turns. Since we are a new family in town, I didn't want to be remembered as "the girl who ate pavement in the 5k"!

When they announced the results, E actually won the race because he crossed the line first :) His post-race regimen included playing his toy guitar and eating egg pancake in the backyard.

Mine included stretching like crazy and rolling out my legs with the rolling pin.

Say what, a rolling pin?! Yes, my rolling pin actually works better than the foam-roller for certain muscles. The next day, my legs feel brand new again. (Don't worry, I wash the rolling pin very well before rolling out bread dough.)

Later that day we re-fueled on parade candy. My best friend came to visit and we enjoyed our time taking in the sun and eating our candy, in moderation of course ;)

5 Favorite Summer Toddler Activities

Without further running rambling, here are our five favorite activities plus my our new favorite summer treat.

1. Stroller Mileage

Tired baby? Go for a stroller ride. Cranky baby? Go for a stroller ride. Happy baby? Go for a stroller ride. The jogging stroller has always been a source of peace for E.

2. Park Play Dates

Play dates at the park are growing to be a near-daily activity for us. There is no better way to meet other kids/moms and wear him out before nap time!

3. Tractor Time

When Leo is spending long hours in the tractor, we stop out to bring him food and visit. E loves to "drive" while the tractor is in GPS mode and honk the horn! I can tell he wants to be just like daddy when he grows up.

4. Pool Fun

They have a nice outdoor pool in town, but the kiddy pool in our backyard is proving to be E's favorite.

5. Sandbox Race Tracks

Playing in the sandbox is the "little boy version" of a tea party. Either we are making race tracks for his tractor and CAT or he's pouring sand on his head. Personally, I prefer track building.

If you need some extra energy to keep up with all of the summer activities, try these crazy caffeinated chocolates for dessert. My brother bought some for me this weekend and they are really tasty! Warning: Do not consume more than 4 chocolates a day and don't share them with your kids. E doesn't need any extra energy!

And here is a toddler-friendly summer treat that both E and I enjoy - Frozen Greek Yogurt. It's delicious, on the healthier side, and comes in both Vanilla Bean and Dark Chocolate Swirl flavors.

If I ever want to enjoy some by myself, it's best to eat it during nap time. The second I take one out of the freezer, he comes at me like a baby bird with his little mouth open!

What are your favorite summer toddler activities?
How about your favorite distance to race?

Linking up at One Year and Beyond and Fitness Friday.


  1. I love the idea of the sandbox race track. And great job on your 5K. :) See you on DM!

    1. Thanks, Rachel! Sandbox race tracks are a blast - until E loses his attention span. I get a little bummed when we "worked so hard" on the track and he wants to move on to something new :)

  2. Love the sandbox race track idea, so fun!

    1. Thank you! I got the idea from my youngest brother. He spent hours as a kid building little race tracks in our sandbox :)

  3. Replies
    1. They definitely keep him entertained for 20 minutes or so. Then on to the next activity!

  4. E is too cute! I looked twice to make sure a rolling pin was what I actually saw :) Great life hack!

    1. Thanks, Jill! The rolling pin is very handy, though my husband warned me that I am going to wear the pin out and have to buy a new one... We'll see how long it lasts!

  5. Genius idea!! I use the foam roller but it's hard to get to some muscles... I will be trying the rolling pin asap!
    These are the best activity ideas!!

    1. Exactly! I have a foam roller and it's great, but it is hard to get a really good roll on some of the muscles.


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