Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there!
Her children rise up and call her blessed. PROVERBS 31:28a
Now that I am a mom myself I appreciate my own mother even more. Motherhood has been the most challenging yet most rewarding role of my life! I haven't been at this for very long though it is truly amazing how much has changed in the last 14.5 months.

Last week, I read an article called "What You Do Matters, Mama" and it basically summed up everything I feel on those more trying days. Find encouragement in knowing that God is with us! He sees us. He hears us. He is for us!
"May we see the glory in the mud and mildew and monotony of motherhood. God is doing a good work in us, through us, with us." Erika at For the Family

I love you, mom!

I couldn't have asked for a better Mother's Day weekend! Race day was a sunny mid-60's, my brother and I both crossed the finish in one piece, and Leo was able to meet up with us that evening after work. I am so thankful for my time with family and for God blessing me with this sweet little boy!

I will write up a race report on the Fargo Half Marathon this week :)

Linking up at the Click and Chat Social Media Linkup.


  1. Way to go on the race!

    Glad the weather was kind!

    Happy Mother's Plus One Day!

    1. Thanks, Wendy! The weather was wonderful compared to the rain and cold we've had lately.

  2. Looked like a great Mother's Day!

    1. It was a great one! Thanks for stopping by, Starla!

  3. I know I appreciate my mom so much more now too. She was so young and had two kids really close together. I don't know how she didn't just completely meltdown and leave us in a grocery store parking lot. We were...a handful ;-)

    1. I know what you mean! I think back to what it must have been like for my mom with three wild kids running around and I give her a ton of credit now :) Even one baby meltdown in the grocery store is enough to stress me out!


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