
These days E and I been spending some time on my parent's farm. There is something about being in the country that is so simple and peaceful. Today Colossians 3:15 is my focus verse. It is so easy to be distracted in this world and swept away in a tornado of busy-ness!
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. COLOSSIANS 3:15
I just can't picture Jesus constantly in a hurry and stressed to the brink with His to-do list. Though He was a very important Person and He had many things to do in His short time on earth, He had such a peace from God and such sincerity and compassion for others. I don't want to be so wrapped up in the busy-ness of my own little world that I completely miss all that God is doing each day!

My goal is to be thankful, give my day to the Lord, and have joy (even though I am secretly counting down the days until Leo comes home again!). The simple things in everyday life can be such huge blessings. We have been blessed with the opportunity to visit family, catch up with old friends, and I even held a brand new baby girl!

This weekend's non-blizzard-like weather is a huge blessing! And having Grandma who watched E for me while I went out for a run - I'm so thankful for the help. My long run "for time" was 1 hour 45 minutes and it was so beautiful outside! Windy, but beautiful.

When I was a kid, I loved to lay on the trampoline on those clear sunny days and watch the clouds go by. The sky this weekend reminded me that even "grown ups" should still take time to watch the clouds.

The long run was a success, despite being super hungry at mile 7! 12.2 miles down in 1 hour 45 minutes. The pace for the long run isn't super fast and the main goal is to spend time on your feet. Overall mission accomplished.

In that same 1:45, my dad hauled a whole load of round bales. We left the gravel road together and got back at the same time... Tell me, who was more productive in that time? (Wait, don't answer that question!)

E really enjoys the farm life. That hardy red wagon was a very special birthday present for him and it works wonders for cruising around the farm. Radio flyer wheels couldn't handle that mud!

And here is E's latest development - his "CHEESE!" smile :) Have a wonderful week and take time to be still and appreciate God's creation!

How do you find peace in the hustle and bustle of daily life?
Were you a cloud-watcher as a kid?

Linking up at Heart-Filled Fridays and Babies & Beyond.


  1. Hi Amy! Just stopping over from Babies and Beyond. Love this! Your sweet words went straight to my heart! <3 Colossians is one of my favorite books!

    1. Thanks, Brandi! I am really enjoying reading through Colossians, too! As I've been reading it through this time, so many verses making more sense to me now and I'm doing my best to memorize the Scriptures!

  2. I was a cloud watcher as a kid and will FOREVER be one! I absolutely LOVE watching the masterpiece our Creator paints in the sky everyday!! :)

    Eli is stinking adorable with his cheese and wagon!!! :))))

    Also, props on your training!!! You're going to dominate!!! I'm so sad I have tendonitis...but it frees you up to rock it with no one holding you back!! (And maybe Mark giving you that competitive boost!)

    1. I'm so excited for you to see Eli (well, and me... haha) in May! He has been practicing up on his walking and will have to show off to you and Mark :)

      I am so sorry you came down with tendonitis! I am praying for your healing.

      And you wouldn't have been holding me back, sister. I look forward to seeing Mark at the starting line and will catch up to him again one day at the finish! Last time I ran in Fargo, they had all kinds of good food things at the finish table. I'm sure I will find him there :)


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