For Two Fitness Anniversary Giveaway!

I am thrilled to partner with For Two Fitness for an amazing anniversary giveaway. As my husband and I are praying for Baby #2, I look forward to wearing one of those cute "Running for Two" shirts one day. Finally, a workout shirt that will fit over my belly! For Two Fitness is running a phenomenal giveaway for their anniversary. Read the details below.

It's our anniversary month! We are so thankful to YOU -- our community, customers, and friends. In order to express our thanks, we are hosting a huge giveaway this week in partnership with some amazing brands and fit mom ambassadors.

For Two Fitness Giveaway

There will be three winners of the giveaway prize packages. A grand prize winner and two other lucky ladies. Here are some details about the amazing products that have been generously donated for you to win and enjoy!

For Two Fitness Giveaway
Giveaway items:

  • Sarah Haley Fit DVDs Expecting More and Sweat Unlimited -- prenatal and postpartum workout DVDs for fit mamas and mamas-to-be.
  • Kind Bars -- healthy snack bars to fuel your day.
  • Maclaren Beginnings care products -- oils, lotions, shampoos, and nursery/powder room products for both mama and baby.
  • GNC -- a three month supply of prenatal vitamins.
  • Happy Family Brands -- baby and toddler foods for your little ones.
  • For Two Fitness racerback tank and pair of pants or capris
  • Baby K’tan -- stylish carrier to aid in hands-free baby-wearing.
  • Zensah -- must-have compression leg sleeves. Relieve leg fatigue, increase circulation, reduce varicose veins, and get fresh legs.

Wow, we are thrilled to have some amazing products for you to win with a grand prize worth over $600.

So, here's how to enter:


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