You Know It's December When...

Only 15 days left until Christmas day and I'm so excited! I love the fact that it is Christmas and the birthday of our Savior is coming soon, but there are a few characteristics of December I could do without... mainly the cold. Long stretches of below zero weather make me question why I still live up north!

Running Requires Extra Motivation

We've been in a cold stretch these last two weeks and I'm fighting for the motivation to continue running outside. Extreme cold is definitely a de-motivator for me. I've been opting for strength training and cardio indoors, but try to get outside to run at least two or three times per week.

I ran outside one morning last week end the temp was -25°F (with windchill)! Despite dressing appropriately, my eyeballs still felt like they were going to freeze in place. Maybe I should start wearing goggles while I run ;) The neighbors would think I'm REALLY cool then!

I don't really like any temperature with a "-" in front of it.

Christmas Parties Have Begun

Eli and I went with Leo to his drill Christmas party! It was a cold weekend and we avoided leaving the hotel at all costs, but enjoyed the party and visiting with one of my best friends from college!
Eli and Dad

Thinking About Christmas Presents...

About now I start panicking about what gift to buy or make for who we have on our list. I know I shouldn't let the consumerism of Christmas stress me out, but it just does. I get a little overwhelmed. This year I'm trying to do more crafts and make more gifts with meaning.

Looking for a baby gift this Christmas? This is the best baby book ever! I have to keep Eli from tearing the pages, but he loves looking at all the pictures while I'm reading to him. It explains the life of Jesus in an easy-to-understand manner with beautiful artwork!

The Jesus Storybook Bible

I'm making some gifts; still work in progress.

This boy got four front teeth for Christmas!

Time to Decorate!

Our gigantor Christmas tree is officially up! It stands at a whopping 18" tall ;)

Do you have any Christmas family traditions?
What is your favorite part of the Christmas season?


  1. I absolutely LOVE that children's Bible!!! :) Someday I'll need to own a copy.. ;) You're amazing and I can't wait to see you for Christmas!!!

    1. Maybe I'll have to get you a storybook Bible for Christmas next year :) I can't wait to see you, too!!! Won't be long!

  2. Oh, I love your tree!

    We have one very similar, and your tree skirt makes me think I should attempt one myself, but maybe I'll wait til after 7 am to dig out the craft boxes. :-) (Thank You! It's good to be in tiny tree company!)

    ... Our Christmas traditions are evolving. We have to be extra careful to make each bit of December special, as Susanna's b-day is the 5th, Scott's is the 30th, and his Mom's is the 27th! .. Add in Christmas, and it's one big festive time! ...

    Off to go sketch out that tree skirt while the December birthday people sleep! {Excited!}

    1. Thanks, Wendy :) Our tree is very easy to "take down" after the holidays, too. haha.

      I hope your tree skirt crafting goes well! That would be a fun craft to take on, especially if your little one is sleeping. I've been painting some Christmas gifts lately and Eli wants to be either IN the paint or sitting on my lap grabbing everything from me. They make crafting more difficult, but more fun at the same time :)

      December is a busy and extra special month for your family! Christmas AND 3 birthdays!


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