{Running Recap: 4/22-27}

I am running a marathon in October this year and haven't started training yet. My current goal is to rebuild my running base now that I'm no longer carrying E around with me - in my belly anyways, I still love to carry him around when not running :)

I'm starting to feel like myself now after having our little man in March. Running is SO much easier without a big belly and squished bladder! Having a baby at home has given life a new perspective for me, too. Running, and life in general, is full of more joy knowing we are blessed with such a sweet little son!

Also, I'm going to apply the below running tip to my life!
Running Tip for Success: Make proactive steps toward your goals when you're awake. Sleep in your spandex. If you're already wearing spandex, you have already made the decision to go running. - Sabrina Little

{Weekly Workouts}

M - 30-Day Shred DVD + 3.5 tempo interval PM run (When will I learn NOT to eat supper before I go out for an evening run...bleh)

T - 5 mile easy AM run + yoga

W - 45 min. AM run with hill repeats + yoga

H - 5 mile easy AM run + upper body, core weights

F - 3.77 mile jogging stroller run with Leo and E in SHORTS! Summer has arrived!

S - 7 mile AM long run + yoga

Total Mileage: ~29 miles


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