My Only Big Race of 2020

We are seeing some strange times, aren't we? It's a weird feeling. Life goes on but we really aren't "supposed to" go anywhere! I'm thankful to be homeschooling, especially at a time like this, as our school routine hasn't changed. It's the co-ops, the playdates, the library and the appointments that we're missing and that just feels weird.

I have been trying to make use of the time when we "can't" do so much, to instead DO a lot of things I don't want to do. (i.e. clean bathrooms, clean and restock our fridge that failed this weekend - now fixed, organize old papers, sell books we don't need, etc)

The time is well spent but I wonder how long all of this will continue!

Like the rest of the running world, my race scheduled for this weekend was swapped for a Virtual Run. Thankfully it's a half marathon - as I'm not sure I could handle running a full marathon on the same old roads in our town! My dear running partner/friend and I had planned on making the trip to the Wicked Half Marathon in Kansas to prepare her for Boston but we'll just be running loops around town instead.

Personally I'm not too heartbroken because I don't have any intense goals for racing while pregnant anyways. I do feel for everyone who had been training hard for Boston though - such a bummer! At least the race is postponed and not cancelled.

Our Baby 4.0 is 14 weeks now and I have written absolutely nothing about him/or her on the blog yet! I have been planning to for a while, it just hasn't happened.

We had our midwife appointment a couple weeks ago and we all loved hearing baby's heartbeat. Our whole family was also happy to be reunited with our favorite midwife! She delivered our 2nd and 3rd boys; it's great to have her over to visit again.

Compared to the pregnancy with our third baby, I haven't noticed many differences besides being extremely tired. Before finding out we were pregnant, I was planning to get my iron levels tested because I was sure there was something wrong. Like maybe running 2 Fall marathons and a 24-miler within a four week span had messed up my body long term or something. Nope. Turned out I was pregnant! We are so excited!

I have continued running though my motivation has been a struggle during these cold, icy and dark months. Thankfully things are warming up now and we have a little more daylight; and my morning sickness has mostly ended. Strength training and doing prenatal-specific exercises from G Training has been much more of a priority this time around. More on that later.

Also, I have found some of the cutest tanks that should last the whole pregnancy! I have started my own Zyia Active business and they have the comfiest workout gear. The Copper Charged Tanks have a long fit, which I love. They aren't "maternity" specific so I ordered a size up and now have plenty of room to let baby grow.

I'm off to digest some food before an evening run with the gals in town! This piece of encouragement I will leave you with: God causes EVERYTHING to work together for the good of those who love Him. Everything. I trust that God will bring good things out of even such a crazy time as this.

Let's Connect!


  1. This year sure has been interesting, to say the least. We are really being tested. I'm so glad I have running to keep me grounded!

    1. Very much so! 2020 has been off to a very "interesting" start :s

  2. Great news that you are feeling well and still able to run. Sure helps these days! Thanks for linking up today

    1. Thank you, Deborah! You have the best link ups :)

  3. It's wonderful to hear that you are feeling good and able to keep up with your workouts!

    1. Yes! I'm so thankful to be able to be active (and more energetic again)!

  4. Sounds like it was a nice surprise to find out you weren't ill, you were "just" pregnant! May you have an easy pregnancy & delivery. Congrats!

    1. YES! That's for sure, Judy. I have heard of endurance athletes struggling with iron and I was really hoping that wasn't my trouble... especially because I already seem to consume enough iron-rich foods. It was a relief to have a healthy blessing on the way! Thank you <3

  5. Glad to hear you're feeling well ;-) Are you planning to find out the baby's gender? Crazy times, for sure. Although it's a great unknown, I think it's a great experience for us (and our kids) to live through. We're all gonna be so much more appreciative of the "little" things after this.

    1. Thank you, Kim! As much as I would love to this time, we probably won't find out. My husband says this is one of life's "few surprises left" and I do agree with him - I'm just not THAT patient! I was sure each of our boys was a girl during the pregnancy, so who knows this time!

      And yes - won't it be nice to just go to the grocery store (as a family) or the library after all this? The simple things!

  6. Congrats on your pregnancy! I dont think I could do a full marathon as a virtual race. Even a half would be tough!

    1. Uff, after running the half marathon this weekend I KNOW I couldn't do the full marathon virtually! Even running the half on my "same old, same old" training routes was a bit bland. I got 'er done though!

  7. Congratulations! So glad to hear that you are feeling well. Good thoughts for a happy and healthy pregnancy!

    Times are definitely strange. We will get through it, but I think we will all be forever changed from the experience.

    1. Thank you! I think whatever life returns to after this will be somewhat of a "new normal". After something like this pandemic, it seems like life will never be quite the same!

  8. Aww I didn't realize you were expecting #4! Congrats, mama!

  9. I know that I commented on this post last week but I don't see it here. Glad to read that you are feeling so well and still able to run. Take care!

  10. Congrats!! You look amazing. So great that you are still feeling up to running a half.


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