Making Strides with Strava | Strava Review

Disclaimer: I received a Strava Summit Subscription and additional Strava swag as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews!

Hey all! Hope spring training is treating you well! The peak of Fargo Marathon training is near and, praise the Lord, I am running healthy and un-injured. I am thrilled to make it this far in the Hansons Marathon Method program without a replay of last Fall.

Let's talk training. 

I have tracked my training over the past ten marathons in various ways, from daily journal entries to blog posts to physical training logs to online logs. I had used DailyMile in the past but they recently shutdown. That was a bummer but, as a BibRave Pro, I was presented with an opportunity to work with Strava just in the knick of time!

Strava is a program that offers tracking for running and cyclists with a "social networking for athletes" appeal. Users are able to track their mileage on OR on their Strava app, which is the #1 app for runners and cyclists.

As a brand new Strava user, I signed up for a free account on their website and later downloaded the app to my iPhone.

With my free account, I am able to link-up my Garmin Forerunner which automatically syncs my workouts from Garmin Connect to Strava. That is SO handy because I don't need to physically enter any of my workout data! Though I can log in to add description/workout details and photos if desired.

My Strava account tracks my mileage, saves a map of each workout and includes basic analytics (pace, elevation, etc) all saved on my profile. I am able to connect with other runners and of course my BibRave Pro team, too. We have a Run Club and keep each other on track through that!

I appreciate the ease of set up and syncing workouts. As I continue to make strides and gain experience with this platform, I will share an update with you here on the blog!

Sign up for a free Strava account at or download the app in the App Store.

Let's Connect!


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