Finally Forced Outside

This week went by in a blur. A blur that included more crazy cold temps, another blizzard and the sinus cold that just won't quit. The Frozen Feat 10k was this Saturday and I felt very tempted to DNS due to being sick lately and to the crazy cold weather...

Against my better judgment, I put on my big "Midwest runner" pants and showed up anyways and I'm SO glad I did! The actual temp at race time was -14°F with a 4 mph breeze, so I bundled up and ran the distance.

In the right running attire, these temps weren't so bad minus my face mask continually freezing up over my nose and mouth and my husband's ski goggles fogging up.

My full race report is coming up next week!

Weekly Wrap: Fargo 26.2, W4

SUN: Off - Recovering from being sick; sinuses stuffed up and my husband has the flu. The kids came with me to teach Sunday School and we went home after that, called it a day.

MON: (Treadmill) Easy 4.33 mi, 36:58 @ 8:34/mi feeling better but still weak as the sinus cold lingers. Strength: Atlas core x 1 circuit.

TUES: (Treadmill) Easy 5.08 mi, 42:36 @ 8:23/mi avg with 1 mile at 7:30. This is usually a speed work day but I cut the run intensity down as I'm still not feeling 100%.

WED: No running. Strength: Poseidon full body x 2 circuits.

THURS: (Treadmill) Tempo 5.01 mi, 41:46; 1 mi WU, 1 @ 7:30, 1 mi easy, 1 @ 7:30, 1 mi easy. I needed a little speed pickup before Saturday's 10k but seriously contemplating not running due to being sick and the weather looking really cold. Strength: Bia hips x 1 circuit.

FRI: Off. With the blizzard finally being over, the kids and I went to get my haircut, run some errands and then I ended up going to the clinic to get checked for strep throat again. I had strep throat in December and this felt much the same; thankfully I checked out negative. Hopefully whatever this is clears up quickly...

SAT: RACE DAY. Frozen Feat 10k, 6.2 mi, 46:56 @ 7:36/mi. Race deets to come next week :)

Total Mileage => 20.62 miles

Let's Connect!

Linking up with Holly and Wendy's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. Great job on your race! I once did a 5K with a real feel of just over ZERO, and the wind was so brutal! I can't imagine running twice as far (in even colder temps) like you did!

  2. -14 at race time?! Yowza! You're definitely brave for taking on those conditions. Congrats! Looking forward to reading your recap.

  3. What a winter! If it isn't the weather, it is illness. I'm feeling it over here too. Hopefully we're in the homestretch and things will get better.

  4. wow I think of myself as pretty tough but -14 nope I would not do it. Kudos to you for getting out there I can't believe that still had the race.

  5. That's a great mug! Hope you're on the mend soon

  6. Great job! I just can't imagine getting out there to race in those temperatures and having to wear a face mask like that! Way to go getting it done!


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