I Hurt Everywhere

And it's a good thing. Okay, mainly it's my triceps and upper body in general! I haven't done push ups or dips in ages.

We have had some amazing weather for January in Minnesota, think 30's and 40's with SUN. The kids and I have been taking in the rays and I run outside when logistically possible (which honestly hasn't been much).

It's not the outdoor time or old injury that's made me so stiff. Not even the slip on ice I had a few weeks ago. Ouch, that did hurt too.

It's been the Strength Training for Runners program that I bought from RunnersConnect with my Christmas money. Yeah. Merry Christmas all right, here have some sore muscles ;)

In all seriousness, this strength program has been exactly what I needed to kick off the new year (thanks, mom & dad!) and it's the closest thing to a "running coach" that I'll ever have. That hip flexor strain last August took a whopping 4 months to completely heal. FOUR MONTHS! And I don't want to go back to that. My hip and core strength has been lacking, especially after returning to running after our third baby, and I am going to be dedicated to strength work in 2019.

The Plan: Include 4 Strength sessions per week.

It's doable, not too time consuming, and I can do these routines with the kids crawling all over/hanging on me. This RunnersConnect program contains training prescriptions for every race distance with details on what days to do which workouts. Then the workouts (all with Greek mythology-inspired names) are listed with reps, descriptions and a video covering all of the moves. This reminds me of our strength training program for college tennis - it's detailed, I know exactly what to do, no guess work and that, I like.

Now is the perfect time to get rolling on the "strength train" as I'm rebuilding my running mileage base and working back into marathon training mid-month!

How often do you strength train?

My Weekly Wrap

Easing back into marathon mileage after a hip flexor strain in August 2018. 

SUN: Long-ish Run 6.02 mi, 50:34 @ 8:28/mi in the snow, somewhat windy. Good news is I felt no pain in my hip even in the loose snow and ice. Strength: Hamstring/Glutes.

MON: (Treadmill) Easy 4.09, 36:10 @ 8:50/mi. Strength: Atlas - core.

TUES: Off - Happy New Years!

WED: (Treadmill) Easy 5.0 mi, 41:57 @ 8:23/mi. Strength: Poseidon - full body.

THURS: Off - House sale meeting went later than planned.

FRI: (Treadmill) Easy 4.17 mi, 36:19 @ 8:42/mi. Strength: Bia - hips.

SAT: Long Run 8.01 mi, 1:01:55 @ 7:44/mi. Strength: Achilles and Hams/Glutes.

27.29 total miles

Let's Connect!

Linking up with Holly and Wendy's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. I absolutely love strength training as well. I do 2-3 per week, run 3 days a week, yoga/cycle as well 2-3x week. I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me!

    1. It's only been a few weeks and I can already feel a difference! Sticking with strength training in the long haul will be key :) I'm so glad it's helped you, too, Deborah!

  2. I'm so glad to hear that you started strength training! I can trace my decrease in injuries back to when I got serious about strength. I only strength train once weekly and it's been enough. Hurts so good, doesn't it?

    1. For sure, Wendy! Now that I'm following these routines, I actually look forward to strength training!

  3. Also trying to increase my strength training in 2019 -- good luck with your quest!

    1. Good luck to you as well! It will be worth putting that extra time into strength training :)

  4. I really do need to get on board with weekly strength training - but I'm just hoping for 2 days a week! Your plan sounds great. Keep it up!

    1. You can do it! This plans 4x's a week seems a bit much for me, but thankfully the routines aren't super long. Just enough!

  5. I do a homemade strength routine in spurts of stuff I learned in PT. I'll be really good for for a while and then really bad it for a while. This program looks very interesting since I don't care for the gym anyway. My laptop at home is old and slow though. Does it operating from a phone app too? Good luck with your home sale! Thanks for linking.

    1. I printed the pages off and put them in page protectors in a binder. That works best for me, as I don't like to drag my computer or phone everywhere! It does also pull up on your phone, along with videos. Very handy!

  6. I absolutely LOVE strength training and 100% believe it has helped me as a runner. I'm still working on getting stronger (I think my core/hips/glutes still have a ways to go) but in general I do 1 - 2x a week BodyPump and I've just gotten a kettlebell workout from my trainer that I'm going to do - 2 x a week. I also cross train so I'm pretty much busy all week...

    1. That is so great, Renee! Strength training has so many benefits! I have just been really lazy over the past few years... and then that injury somewhat rekindled my motivation ;)


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