Behind the Blog: She Runs By Faith

How much can change in 5.5 years, really? Turns out, a lot.

APR 2013

Almost 26-year-old me started this blog as a writing outlet to jot down thoughts about my faith, brand new motherhood, running. As a journaler since my elementary years, having a blog was only natural.

I was on maternity leave with my one-month-old baby boy, who had arrived 5 weeks earlier than his due date. Hubs was finishing his degree, soon to graduate and celebrate our first wedding anniversary. I worked as a corporate graphic designer. Our house was small yet cozy, approximately the size of a two-bedroom apartment.

That house fit our little family perfectly as we navigated a season of much newness.

Flash forward to now,

NOV 2018

Thriving in the 30's, I'm 31 years young. Considered old by some but still viewed as too young to know anything by many. Still writing, just from the perspective of a not-as-new mom that still loves Jesus and a good run. I do drink more coffee than I did 5 years ago. There are now three wild boys running our halls, in thankfully a bigger house; ages 1, 3, 5. When people say our current house is small, I just laugh inside. Clearly they hadn't seen our last place!

6 years of marriage, moving, new career for my hubs. Loving on these littles and homeschooling Kindergarten is my full-time gig.
Crazy but I love it. I may be a little crazy myself.

The Blog: She Runs By Faith

I felt the nudge to redesign and ran with it; quickly, too. My blog's name and design needed to fit the mission. Prayed, brainstormed, designed and BAM!

Hello, She Runs By Faith

The name cuts right to the chase: I am "she". That she does often "run". And, every single thing I do, everything, is done "by faith" and my faith is in God alone.
"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible." Hebrews 11:3
Making the time to write has been harder to do with a growing family. Lack of time isn't the main cause of this writer's block though; it's feeling incompetent. The more kids we have, the more I am reminded of how little I know. There are so many curve balls in life, often I feel inadequate, but by faith and in the Lord's strength I'm doing this. Baby steps. Every day.

And so I will keep writing real life thoughts about real life things. The beautiful moments and absolute chaos that is motherhood, a heart overflowing with love while simultaneously feeling completely overwhelmed. And running. The pushing of physical limits that somehow serves as a de-stressor, stirring that inner competitive fire, running after goals that weren't even conceivable 5 years ago. Because doing hard things is fun and sweating is good for you.

... For someone with a writer's block, this post is becoming quite long-winded!

This is me most days. At least one child attached to my body. Wearing leggings or my favorite jeans. A nurse-able top. Hair up because baby still pulls it out. Carrying at least one book, leaving a trail of pens wherever I go. Always looking for a lost pacifier.

The life of faith is a blessed but not bump-free journey. Living for Him is choosing the narrow road and pressing on with that eternal hope and perspective, despite resistance and criticism from this world. Oh, there will always be criticism on this side of heaven and plenty of it! Living by faith is not easy (especially for a people-pleaser by nature, like me) but the eternal reward outweighs any earthly discomforts now.
"Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.  Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation." Hebrews 11:1
"By faith these people overthrew kingdoms, ruled with justice, and received what God had promised them. They shut the mouths of lions, quenched the flames of fire, and escaped death by the edge of the sword. Their weakness was turned to strength. They became strong in battle and put whole armies to flight." Hebrews 11:33-34
In spite of feeling ill-equipped, God continues to turn my weaknesses to strength so that I can love by faith, teach by faith, write by faith, walk by faith.

Then again, why walk when you can run?

Let's Connect!

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Linking up with Holly and Wendy's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. My blog started in a similar way: I was home raising young children and wanted a writing outlet. Funny how things evolve. My kids are 13 and 17 now. Time flies.

  2. You are right--finding time to blog can be a challenge! My kids are grown but I'm finding myself pulled in so many directions still! Glad to have found you.

  3. Having an outlet of your own when you have young kids at home can be very helpful and meaningful. Sounds like you are in a great place. Have a happy Thanksgiving

  4. I read your blog when you had your old title and am happy to catch up with you again now through the Weekly Wrap link up! It's always nice reading about your growing family!

  5. I think if you are sharing your experiences authentically, there is no getting it "wrong" and your thoughts are likely to resonate with others. It still can take courage to click "publish" thought.

  6. I have 3 boys too. when they were young running was my time to have some alone time, some time just for me. As you (probably) know, with 3 little ones, even being alone to pee is not a given. Now I have 3 grandsons and I am still running. Blessings to you!

  7. As a Mom of three boys, when they were young my favorite time of day was bedtime. LOL. The fact you can even write a blog post amazes me. I certainly have enjoyed following your journey over the last few years. Keep writing! Thanks for linking.


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