Recovery & Real Life | OOFOS OOMG Fibre Low Review

Disclaimer: I received OOFOS OOMG Fibre Low shoes in exchange for my review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews!

For the first time in a LONG time, I ran a 50 mile week (last week) and it actually wasn't that bad. It's certainly a lot of miles (for me) and Hansons' goal of cumulative fatigue was achieved but my body seemed to handle it well. I'm tired but I don't feel any pre-injury "niggles" surfacing.

Part of my fatigue is likely marathon training. Partly a not-sleeping teething baby lately. Partly summer life! There is so much fun to take in and things to do in a small window of time. Our pool is now closed for the year and I feel both sad and thankful — sad because summer is coming to an end, thankful that I don't have to lug three kids to the pool solo (oldest loves it, middle fights me every time, littlest is a wild baby).

Balancing the higher mileage training and daily life has reinforced the importance of active recovery. Back when I ran 50-mile weeks more regularly, I had a desk job that allowed me to sit (which is somewhat of a double-edged sword) and only one small person to care for after hours, allowing for more rest time.

Recovering now when I'm on my feet for much of the day means:
  • Running "Easy-Effort Runs" at an EASY pace. For real!
  • Choosing footwear that treats my feet and legs well.
  • Taking a sit down break in the afternoon when baby naps. 

Hansons Marathon Method is teaching me to be more strict with my pacing and my recovery footwear choices have been broadened now too. As a BibRave Pro, I received the newly released OOFOS OOMG Fibre Low shoes to take some of the load off my body.

How does OOFOS help you to recover faster and feel better?

OOFOS OOMG Fibre Low shoes are comprised of OOtex Fibreflex fabric and OOfoam recovery technology that absorbs 37% more impact than other footwear and is scientifically proven to reduce stress on your body while walking.

The footbed design cradles my arches and moves naturally with each stride making them extra comfortable for all-day wear.

To wash my OOFOS, I simply rinsed them in the sink with water and mild soap or throw them in the washing machine on a cold cycle with mild detergent. Easy peasy!

I have been wearing OOFOS OOlala sandals for the past year (still as comfy as ever, btw) and the OOMG Fibre Low shoes are another nice addition to my OOFOS collection. These shoes, which I wear with socks or sock-less, even dress up well with a pair of jeans or dress pants. I do wear more than just running clothes all the time, I promise! (should I have included picture proof? some may never believe me!)

The OOFOS Fibre Low shoes are now available on for $139.95. 3% of all OOFOS sales goes to breast cancer research through Project Pink => that's footwear for a good cause!

What are some of your active recovery secrets?

GF Marathon Training W6

Follow my journey as a I train for the Grand Forks Marathon coming up at the end of September. This is my 11th marathon but first time using Hansons Marathon Method for training!


W6D1 (Treadmill) Easy Run 5 mi, 00:46 @ 09:11 pace and reason #98 it’s always better to wake up early to run. Hubs has been working all weekend and each child had a secret plan to keep mom from running tonight. Somehow the miles did get done!


W6D2 Strength Intervals, 4 x 1.5 miles w/ 800m recovery (goal 10:45-11:00/interval), 8.16 mi 01:01 07:31 pace. Ran 10:39, 10:43, 10:41, 10:38 and felt relatively good considering the 84% humidity! It wasn't that warm this morning (75 degrees?) but the humidity had me sweating buckets.


W6D3 Off. Appointment, groceries, school supply stop and library. And the weather was so cool today the pool didn't even open!


W6D4 Tempo Run 7.09 mi, 00:52 @ 07:21 pace in 85 degrees and sunny at 6pm when my husband got home from work. Great weather for the pool but NOT for running! All because I didn't get out of the house early that morning when it was a beautiful 46 degrees :( Baby has been having a hard time with a new tooth that broke through and I knew he needed extra cuddles.

All started out fine but the heat started to turn my stomach and affect my heart rate at about mile 4. I cut it short because it seemed to be doing more harm than good. Miles were 7:19, 7:20, 7:16, 7:17, 7:12, 7:35, 7:33. Adding mileage on to tomorrow run to make up for it.


W6D5 Easy Run + 2 Tempo Miles 7.06 mi, 01:00 @ 08:33 pace early in the morning when the weather was a lovely 50-something. I stuck to the easy pace except for the two tempo miles (leftover from yesterday) at 7:42 and 7:38. Not quite tempo pace but that's all my body had left. Feeling tight in my ribs/abs from yesterdays run. Must have been breathing different, more shallow in the hot weather?


W6D6 (Treadmill) Easy Run 8.5 mi, 01:19 @ 09:14 pace because of the smoke outside. Woke up early and ran .5 mile. Decided it was too smokey to do the whole 8, especially since I’m already stuffed up and my head is draining. 😖


W6D7 Long Run 10.02 mi, 01:17 @ 07:41 pace (8:05/mi goal) outside, though I don’t think the smoke or harvest dust did me any favors. Sore throat and draining sinuses are so annoying - thankfully I’m not pregnant this harvest so I can take something for the headache!

Miles @ 7:53, :40, :39, :39, :45, :46, :43, :39, :38, :38.

TOTAL MILEAGE: 45.83 miles

Let's Connect!

Linking up with Holly and Wendy's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. I can't imagine 50 mile weeks and I don't have 3 kids (including a little baby!). You are such an inspiration.

  2. wow 50 miles is huge! Congrats on a great week of training. I love my Oofos sandals but have not seen those-they look great for recovery days

  3. What a solid training week! I have OOFOS sandals but not shoes, they're great.

  4. 50 miles is amazing! You have good recovery plans in place, which is brilliant. You are a machine!

  5. I just discovered oofoos this summer and love them. Im Wearing the Oohlalas right now!

  6. I have Oofas flip flops but I think I'd like these shoes too, especially when the weather cools too much for sandals. Great job on the long run! I hope your sinuses are better. That's no fun when you are trying to run. Thanks for linking!


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