#Gmas18 Marathon Training: Race Day Logistics

Disclaimer: I received free entry to Grandma's Marathon as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!

Taper has begun and we're into the single digits! Grandma's Marathon race day is only 8 days away and my race packet came in the mail TODAY :))) I requested to have mine mailed for $25 as I wasn't sure if my husband could get the day off work to make it to the race expo.

Having my race packet mailed to my house took the pressure off our travels the day before race day, which is great, because we all know traveling with a baby never goes as planned!

Celebrating Race Day

Aside from some planning nerves, I'm feeling excited to run. Training for my first marathon as a mom of three went really well and training is the hard part. Race day is the celebration!

Being Grandma's is my 10th marathon, I'm celebrating a little extra. Had you asked me ten years ago if I would run a marathon, let alone ten, I would have laughed. I thought the idea of running one was crazy back then. Turns out God had way bigger plans for me than I did for myself. (Having three boys included - I never would have guessed I'd be a mom of all boys!)

Yes, I'm nervous, but I want to channel those nerves into rejoicing and celebrating where God has taken me through these years.

Let's Talk Logistics

The plan is to take the shuttle to the race, check my gear, meet up with the BibRave Pro crew, run the race, eat all the food, and then shuttle back to my husband and our baby. Thankfully it's just the three of us traveling to Grandma's and that makes for less stress. Especially since the older boys have swimming lesson testing that Friday and I don't want them to miss that.

Because I have never raced while carrying my phone before, I have been experimenting with different ways to do that as gear checking a phone isn't recommended. I have tried different bottoms with zippered pockets and contemplated wearing my Orange Mud Gear Vest but in the end I think my Adidas "How We Do" 3/4 Tights are the way to go.

The zippered back pocket is sweat proof and doesn't bounce around like my shorts do. They are also lightweight enough to be comfortable in the heat. (P.S. I got those in my Mercury Mile box - more on that in another post.)

"Race Day What to Wear": I'm going with the left side top and right side bottom

Now I can carry my phone, driver's license and maybe some $$ in the little back pocket. That way I can run without worrying about valuables being lost and yet not be bogged down by wearing a belt or my entire gear vest (the lighter the better on race day). Gear belts are okay in my opinion but the one I have always rides up and drives me crazy! Tell me: what do you use to carry fuel/phones/music etc during the race?

Race day attire is settled, travel plans are laid out and one more long run lies ahead. As for a race day time goal, I'm loosely saying 3:30-4:00 is the goal. I'm not sure what my 7 months postpartum body is going to give me on race day but I do know I want to make the best of it. From what I'm told, the Grandma's Marathon experience is one to remember!

Do you plan out your race day outfit and logistics? Or prefer to wing it?

#Gmas18 Training W15 Recap

Follow along the 16-week journey as I train for my 10th 26.2, the Grandma’s Marathon coming up on June 16, 2018. I look forward to running with fellow BibRave Pros Angie, Amy and Jenn!




Easy Effort 6.01 mi, 00:54 @ 09:03 pace as training starts to taper down. Next week is RACE WEEK!!!??


(Treadmill) Easy Effort 3.1 mi, 00:30 @ 09:40 pace for Global Running Day, celebrated on the treadmill because I chose sleep this morning. It’s taper time, so I’ll let it fly ;)


Tempo Run 6.01 mi, 00:48 @ 08:00 avg pace feeling good but didn’t hit the paces I was supposed to. The plan said around 7:00/mile for 20-30 minutes but I ran 7:47, 7:47, 7:39, 7:48. Honestly I felt distracted. The shorts I wore that morning were riding up and it drove me nuts!!! Note to self: save those for treadmill runs only ;)




Final Long Run 12.02 mi, 01:35 @ 07:51 pace before taper week!!! The last 6 miles were supposed to be at goal pace (7:37/Mile) but I cut it down to 4 miles at GP and then just ran whatever I wanted at the end. My legs were feeling it and humidity (94%!) was wearing on me. I’m trying to preserve some spunk for next weekend!


Easy Effort planned


Let's Connect!

Linking up with Holly and Wendy's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. I can't believe race day is almost here! I remember when you started training in January. I've been very impressed by your training--how hard it must have been to train with a new baby, but you never complained! At least not here...

    I use a SpiBelt to carry my essentials, like a phone etc. I have one of those pockets on the back of my phone for $$ and ID. Fuel can be a little tricky, but if I wear one of my InknBurn skirts, there are 2 deep hidden pockets and those work out great for that.

    Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Wendy! It's hard to justify complaining about running a marathon when I signed myself up for it :))) Secretly I complain in my head from time to time...

  2. 8 days away- June is flying by! I have a few friends running it this year and they said the forecast is looking great. Way better than the years I ran it!

    I struggle with the phone thing too- Fortunately when I slipped and broke my leg, I had it with me. It's easier to have a pocket in winter running apparel, but much harder in summer...

    Best of luck to you at the marathon!

  3. The bottoms you have with the zipper sounds like a good option. I use to wear Running Skirts on race day because of the generous pockets they have but since I got a larger phone, it no longer fits in the skirt. I find that my flip belt works fine now.

    1. I have never tried a running skirt before! My Flip Belt crops are a great solution too.

  4. I plan everything out. So much so that I triple check to make sure I have everything I need, and pack three different outfits in case I feel like wearing something different on race day haha! I'm always worried that I will forget something I need and have a tough race because of it.

    1. Better to prepare extra than arrive unprepared!

  5. I've always worn a fuel belt during a marathon. I love my Flip Belt! Now that I'm training for a 50k, I'm getting used to wearing my orange mud vest and trying to figure out how to pack all the things in there.

    Getting your packet mailed to you was such a smart idea! That really does make things easier.

    I hope you have a great time!

  6. You've done so well with training all the while momming the littles. It's a fantastic idea to get your packet ahead of time. It would definitely take some stress off. I use a RooSport Pocket (magnetic pouch) for the phone I carry only in case of emergency. GU and items I use during the race go into my skirt pockets. Good luck! Thanks for linking!

    1. Is the magnetic pouch a similar concept to the Koala Clip? Sounds super handy!

  7. I think it's too late to order one but you need a Koala Clip to carry your phone! It's been a game changer for me!


    I hope you have a great race!

    1. I just checked them out and I wish I would have known about Koala Clip a week ago! Looks like a great product and easy way to carry the phone while running. Thanks for sharing, Dodie!

  8. So close to race day... nice perk to have your packet mailed to you, it really would take off the travel stress.


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