February: Valentine's Candy + Marathon Training

Hello blogosphere, I'm still struggling with a writer's block/brain fog but I'm giving it a go today because it's February. February means Valentine's candy, our baby's third month exploring this world and the beginning of Grandma's Marathon training.

January was my "ease back into running" month and, despite it being brutally cold, all has gone well. I just found the MapMyFitness app (that connects to my UA HOVR shoes) tracks my monthly mileage! For a lazy data runner, that's great. The shoes accidentally picked up random mileage here and there, probably while I walked around the house, but overall they did a great job tracking.

62.88 miles for January? Sure! I'll take it. That's better than any guess I would have had.

Recently I posed a question via Instagram: Which training approach do you swear by?

I've ran on Hal Higdon's plans for my earlier marathons and McMillan's for my last three. The debate was Hanson Method or stick to McMillan.

For Grandma's Marathon, McMillan's Marathon Plan of running 4-5 days per week wins again. Considering our littlest is only 3 months old, I think it's best to stick to what I know. McMillan's plan made adapting my mileage to the realities of life fairly simple and that's a great fit for life with a new baby, 2.5 year old and almost 5 year old.

On the home front, I can hardly believe how the time flies... except for when I look down at this baby and remember that our almost 5-year-old looked very similar to this... but now he's almost 5. That makes me a little teary eyed. It's great that our kids are growing but how have these years turned into such a blur in my memory?

To briefly update, Baby C is 3 MONTHS OLD already! He's a sweetie and we all adore him. The big brothers are so full of love it's nearly suffocating. Please, give the baby just a little personal space. Maybe an inch.

C is pretty much always smiling or sleeping or eating. Oddly enough I've tried to catch a picture of him frowning but I haven't been able to yet! I guess that's a good thing. Yet even his frown is adorable, to momma at least. He's an easy going baby, which has been a breath of fresh air. Our middle "W" is also a sweet, sweet boy but he was extra intense for the first 18 months of his life. Like I felt as though I was walking on egg shells 24/7.

I had plans of writing a post about "Adjusting to Life with Three" or a three months postpartum update but it just hasn't happened. Maybe I will get around to writing those when C is celebrating his first birthday ;)

And no he's not sleeping through the night yet. We'll save that for his first birthday, too!

I want to leave you with a thought from our kids’ favorite movie lately: Cars 3. 
Cruz: How did you know you could do it?
Lightning McQueen: I don't know, I...I just never thought I couldn't.
As training for my 10th marathon begins soon, I found Lightning McQueen's words oddly encouraging. Why do I think I can run another marathon in this new season of life with three kiddos at 7 months postpartum? I just never thought I couldn't.

There's something to believing you CAN.

Doubt makes a person shaky. As James 1:6b says about our faith in God, "the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind." God calls us away from doubt and instead to BELIEVE. There is power in believing you can do whatever He calls you to.

So how do you know you can do it? Pray past the doubt and choose to BELIEVE!

Weekly Workout Wrap-Up




Easy Run (Treadmill): 4 miles, 39:26 @ 9:51/mile avg.


Bodyweight Strength Circuits by Run Far Girl: Squats, lunges, side/front planks, bicycles, bridges.

Image from RunFarGirl.com


Tempo Intervals (Treadmill): 4.04 miles, 35:00 @ 8:39/mile avg. 185 spm.


Easy Run (Treadmill): 2 miles @ 9:40/mile avg.


Long Run: 1 hour planned


Strength/stretching planned

Do you have any fun Valentine’s plans?

Let's Connect!

Linking up with Holly and Wendy's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. I really like the lightening mcqueen quote. I'll have to keep that in mind during my long run today and my next race. Sounds like you're off to a good start with marathon training too!

  2. wow 10 marathons is impressive! Pray past the doubt is a great motto!

  3. I have never followed any of those training plans during marathon training. I have heard great things about both. Glad you found one that works for you and your lifestyle right now. Sounds like you are doing great so far!

    1. Thank you! This one seems to be doing the trick so far, as I have been doing a "practice week" of the workout schedule. Feels good!

  4. You are so amazing to be planning for another marathon with all that you have on your plate! I'm looking forward to following your training! Have a great week!

  5. I have loosely followed Hal Higdon in the past. I definitely think you should stick with what has worked in the past. It's hard to believe baby is 3 months old. And, who knew that Lightning McQueen was so wise? Love that. Thanks for linking.

    1. Time flies, doesn't it?! I know... I didn't expect any wise sayings from Cars... haha


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