Snacking Smart | Health Warrior Review

Disclaimer: I received Health Warrior Chia Bars and coloring book to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews!


It's one of the many similarities between growing a baby and training for a marathon. Pregnancy is basically a marathon with a 9 to 10 month training plan and I like to view the months and weeks as exactly that: a training period for the growth, labor, delivery and postpartum care of a new life.

My "Late Pregnancy Workout": 2 miles of .25 mile walk/.25 mile run intervals

Fueling is an important aspect of training and one that can easily get neglected! The pregnancy myth is "now you can eat whatever you want" and marathoners can fall into the same trap due to the high amount of calories burnt through all those training miles.

While I could certainly use a caramel roll or some plain Lays potato chips right now, it's all about moderation. Sure you CAN eat donuts and ice cream every day but it isn't going to do you any favors in the long run!

Making smart choices for me means eating when I'm hungry (and drinking a lot of water!), choosing meals and snacks with nutritional value, and allowing for those treats in moderation. Choosing nutritious snacks through the final weeks of this pregnancy has been much easier thanks to new-to-me and quite delicious chia bars from Health Warrior.

As a BibRave Pro, I received Health Warrior Chia Bars and their hilariously honest "Marathon Training: The Coloring Book". The kids love coloring so mom should get to color, too!

Health Warrior is a superfood company that believes better health will build a stronger society. I received a box of their Chocolate Peanut Butter and Vanilla Almond bars to try which are both made with quality ingredients like chia, rolled oats and nuts that help keep you full and contain only 4-5g of sugar.

The ingredients of these bars are straight forward and easy to pronounce!

Chia is the #1 ingredient which ounce for ounce has more protein than an egg, more omega 3s than salmon, more fiber than flax, more calcium than milk, and more magnesium than broccoli.

I have been eating these bars as an any-time snack. The taste is great, not bland but not too sweet, and they are easy enough on my stomach to eat before or after a workout. I keep a few bars in the diaper for a snack on the go that is good for both me and our growing baby.

Just make sure to pick the chia seeds out of your teeth after eating one ;)

The kids put Health Warrior Chia Bars to the test, too. Four-year-old E isn't a fan of the chia seed texture but two-year-old W can't get enough of these chia bars! I have limited him to one a day otherwise he would have blown through both boxes already.

Coloring and snacking on chia bars with W

Along with enjoying these chia bars, the kids and I have colored our way through most of Health Warrior's Marathon Training Coloring Book as part of the Inaugural BibRave Coloring Contest! It's been a blast - I'll let you know if either of my "masterpieces" win ;)

A 15 pack of Health Warrior Chia Bars is $15.99 or try the 16 ct. Sampler Box for $19.99 to try each flavor: Acai Berry, Apple Cinnamon, Banana Nut, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Vanilla Almond, Dark Chocolate Cherry and Dark Chocolate Mango. Plus, shipping is free for orders over $25!

Check out all of the great chia bar flavors (Vanilla Almond is my favorite so far!) on the Health Warrior website and get your FREE Marathon Training: The Coloring Book with the purchase of any bars here:

Join us at 8 pm CT on November 7th for #BibChat with Health Warrior and a chance to win these bars for yourself!

B3's Pregnancy: 39 Week Wrap-Up

Baby is a PUMPKIN this week, just in time for harvest to end and the kids' fun night of trick-or-treating. I'm thankful Baby is hanging in there... and a little concerned this baby will never want to come out. I'm praying through these final days (or weeks. ugh.) to find peace in the Lord's timing for this baby. With my history of preterm and early term babies, it's a miracle to make it this long!
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. PSALM 27:14
Besides being tired, I am feeling really good physically (emotionally, meh). This baby is proving to be a marathon labor-er. Contractions have been increasing from afternoon to evening time since last Friday and fizzle out overnight. That's been disheartening. Our midwife reassured us that this is making progress and we are close to meeting our baby. Hopefully this drawn out early labor will make the "real deal" go smoothly!

Decked out as Captain America for Trick-or-Treating! My husband's shirt, of course. 


2 miles of walk/run intervals on treadmill followed by mowing a few last strips of our lawn before more snow comes! The boys climbed trees and stacked wood while I mowed.


Ekhart Yoga's Runners Yoga video (25:28) and of course some Trick-or-Treating that night. The candy now abounds in this house. Moderation, right?!


2 miles of run/walk intervals on the treadmill while watching "The Business of Being Born" on YouTube. I've watched it a handful of times but it's a great documentary to watch as a prep for baby's upcoming labor and delivery. I thought birth would be less intimating by my third... but I'm still feeling antsy and anxious.


We must have covered a mile or so in the snow that day! If figured if pulling the boys on their sled/snowboard doesn't put me into labor, I don't know what will.


We went to the library and ran errands in the morning to get out of the house and take a slight break from the snow. I did the Ekhart Yoga's Runners Yoga video (25:28) again and that makes me feel so much better. My hormones must be on a rollercoaster in these last days of pregnancy because I have felt like a mess! Maybe the early snow is partly to blame, too.





Have you tried chia seeds before? If so, what's your favorite chia snack?

Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. the end is so hard!
    i'm 38.5 weeks and i'm having non-progressive braxton hicks all night (why at night!?) they aren't too uncomfortable or alarming, but they don't help with late-pregnancy anxiety at all! i'm trying to remember to pray for peace and joy, peace and joy. (and I've always gone late, so i feel like i have SO LONG to go!!!)

    1. I used to think that the first trimester was hard but my other two labors both surprised me and started early! Waiting for this baby... yes... it's wearing on me a bit. I'm just praying baby doesn't go too far past the due date, if we make it that long. Lots of prayers for peace and trusting in God's timing! I hope you can get some rest through those nighttime contractions!

  2. Wow, still gestating, huh ;-) It's amazing how active you have stayed, especially in these final weeks! Hang in there ;-)

    1. Uff, I'm trying Kim! It's starting to feel like I've been pregnant forever :) Staying active keeps me sane!

  3. I have never tried those bars but they sound tasty. How fun they come with a coloring book.

    1. The coloring book is a blast! It's relaxing... and so true to marathon training. There's even a page about poop. Definitely true to long distance runners!

  4. I haven't tried a chia bar but I'd definitely be the one with the seeds in my teeth. LOL. Yay -- a pumpkin! You are so close, Mama. You still look incredible too. Good luck as you prepare to meet the little one any day now. Thanks for linking.

    1. Ha! Just like me! I'm the one that forgets to check my teeth before leaving the house :s Whoops. Thank you for the encouragement, Holly! I hope to share baby's birth story with you all soon :)

  5. You look fantastic, Amy! I'm going to try to make it to the #bibchat tonight!

    1. Woop woop! Gotta love the #BibChat crew - these bars have been such a great treat!


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