Third Time Around | B3 Week 28

My motivation to write about pregnancy has been dwindling and I was starting to doubt that I would finish this post. For the sake of tradition, I wanted to write a "threequel" to the "Second Time Around" post from two years ago (my pregnancy with W).

Some details have been different in this pregnancy but much has been the same.

Mostly I haven't had much time to think about and plan for this baby! With the "big brothers" now 2- and 4-years-old, they seem to take up most of my brain space. I think we're okay though. All of the baby clothes are in storage, some newly washed and some not, and the baby "things" are still around too. Baby even got a couple new things - I may share more on that later.

All I need to do is order newborn diapers in a couple months and we should be set, right? I feel so out of touch with all that goes into newborn life.

So what's been different with my third pregnancy?

Belly Size: The Insta-Bump

This third pregnancy has felt like I had a "bump" by the time 10 weeks rolled around. It was a little embarrassing but the body seems to remember "pregnancy mode" and jumps into position faster with each subsequent pregnancy. It was a relief to finally be in the "it's okay to show now" phase of pregnancy so I could feel less self-conscious about showing so early.

While B2 measured 3 to 6 weeks ahead for the whole pregnancy, B3 has been right on each week. I weigh less than I did with both of the boys but the actual amount of weight gain itself has been nearly identical. Each child seems to take more energy out of me! And I suppose the three marathons last year affected my weight too.

Activity Level: Yes

The activity level in this house has definitely increased since last time yet so has the freedom. Now that the boys are bigger, they can play outside while I wash floors or scrub toilets, etc (like today, oh joy!). The days with a 2- and 4-year-old are highly entertaining, sometime emotionally exhausting but mostly joyful. If the kids both nap, I try to put my feet up and drink water when I can. Honestly I love having the boys at this age!

Our days are more structured now that E is doing preschool at home and that has been great for all of us. It keeps both boys busy and I can sit down potentially finishing my coffee while we work. Not today, but some days I even finish the whole cup.

Prenatal Care: We love our midwife!

I'm so thankful to be working with our midwife again! She was amazing with B2's pregnancy, delivery and postpartum care. We are really comfortable with her and she's great with the kiddos too.

I love that she isn't annoyed by random questions via text. This baby has had frequent hiccups and, though the question seemed silly, she reassured me that it's actually a great sign right now. Whew! Google is not helpful with baby questions (tends to cause unnecessary worry) but our midwife is always helpful :)

Having a homebirth/waterbirth last time was an amazing experience and I pray that we are able to have another smooth birth at 37+ weeks again. Baby is head down and that's one (small) step in the right direction.

Hydration: Drink, Drink, Drink

Staying hydrated is a big focus again to prevent a UTI or preterm labor like I experienced with B1's pregnancy. It worked well last time and I hope to keep up again with this pregnancy. Water gets boring so, when I'm feeling crazy, I will drink grape juice. Bring on the grape juice!

Prenatal Fitness: This & That

The amount of mileage/days I run has decreased with each pregnancy and the balance I'm at now feels just right. With more active days it makes sense to cut down on exercise and make more time for stretching and recovery. Running is still feeling comfortable though my pace is a slow jog. Relentless forward motion!

I usually run three days a week for about 3 miles and do a yoga video twice a week. Any running I do happens in the early morning before everyone wakes up because I can't handle the heat! This has been my first all-summer-long pregnancy and I'm really enjoying the cool summer mornings. Saul likes them better, too.

Emotions: Thankful, Excited, Impatient

I feel so thankful to have our third baby on the way and very excited to welcome him or her into the family. Plus, I'm really curious (more like anxious) to see how the boys handle the new baby. Biggest brother E will likely be a big helper for me. Littlest big brother W on the other hand... he still seems like he's a baby to me! He has been carrying around a toy baby and saying "Awww, baby!", so maybe he'll be just fine.

Time has flown since February when I first saw the two pink lines yet I'm still feeling impatient in this last trimester. With it being harvest time and my belly growing bigger seemingly by the day, this feels like a time to just persevere.

Yet I want to live each day with a heart of thankfulness and contentment. The kids will only ever be this age once and, once this baby is out, he/she is out for good!

"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm‬ ‭90:12.

B3 Pregnancy: Week 28 Wrap-Up

Baby is an EGGPLANT this week and weighing in at approximately 2.20 lbs. I believe it. Simple things such as painting my toenails, bending over to tie shoes and finding tops to fit are becoming a little more complicated. It's definitely the third trimester!

Our little one has the hiccups at least once a day and it's pretty cute. I like being able to guesstimate how he or she is laying in my belly. After the major flip session a week or two ago, baby seems to be staying head-down (hopefully for good).


3 mile early morning run with the pup on the gravel roads. The kids and I went to the park in the morning and the pool in the afternoon to make the most of the sunny, warm days.


Ekhart Vinyasa Yoga Flow (17:55)


3 mile run on this drizzly, humid morning. The rain was welcomed, as it's been a very dry year around here.


Ekhart Runner's Yoga (25:29)


3 mile morning run with trusty ole Saul in the fog. After that drizzly Wednesday, the fog has been hanging around in the mornings.


Power cleaning the house, a grocery walk and gardening with the little boys.



What have you been up to this week?
Moms, what were your favorite or not-so-favorite parts of pregnancy?

Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. You look amazing! I'm in the same boat with the ages and homeschooling for preschool but we are finding a good rythm. Are you planning to homeschool through elementary school? We are thinking public school but are still open to the idea of continuing what we have going. 3 kids under the age of 4 though may play a role in deciding for us!

    1. Hi Kelly! We plan to homeschool at least through Kindergarten and take it a year at a time from there. I would like to homeschool them through elementary but we'll see what God has planned for us :) I've been warned about homeschooling with 3 kids under 4, but it's been done before! It may require some extra coffee for mom, though... :) I look forward to following your pregnancy and homeschooling journeys! We are due pretty close to each other!

  2. I am sure your 2 boys are keeping you very busy. Super impressive you still have the energy to run 3x a week. Looking fabulous!

    1. Thanks, Deborah! I have found that short runs a few times a week do give me more energy through pregnancy... but too many miles or too many run days cause diminishing return. This seems like a good balance for now!

  3. Glad your pregnancy is going well! I totally loved everything about being three were all pretty uneventful (in a good way) and it was such a precious time.

    1. Uneventful pregnancies are the best! I'm hoping this one will stay quite boring as well :) Thanks for stopping by, Kimberly!

  4. You look great! My husband and I are currently trying for our first, so I love reading about how mamas keep up with running and fitness during pregnancy :)

    1. That is so exciting, Rachel, and thanks for stopping by! Pregnancy is really a special time and it's amazing how unique each baby is - from the early pregnancy days and on from there :)

  5. It seems as if you were just hinting around about baby #3. I can't believe you are in the third trimester already. You look wonderful. It's fantastic you are still running three days a week too!

    1. Thanks, Holly! Keeping up with regular running and yoga helps me feel so much better - especially now as baby is getting heavier. Stretching does wonders :) And where has the time gone?! It's crazy how fast the year has flown by!

  6. You look great!

    I agree that Google is not is not helpful with anything that is medical related.

    1. No kidding! Google has its place but "google-ing" symptoms is the worst... and usually freaks a person out more than necessary!


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