Hot Chocolate 15k Taper & Race Goals

Hot Chocolate 15k taper week has arrived! This will be my first 15k race and my first race for BibRave.

The race packet showed up on my doorstep last week. How cool is that!? Considering we are driving 5 hours to the race and there is no packet pick up on race day, the packet mailing option saved us some hassle.

I used to consider it "bad luck" to wear a race shirt/jacket/etc before actually completing the race but I have been wearing my Hot Chocolate sweater. I had to make sure it fit... And then I just couldn't take it off.

My goal is to run this race at an easy effort around 9:00 to 10:00/mile pace. Walk through aid stations, visit with other runners, encourage someone who is struggling, just take it all in. Mentally, I've broken the race into 3 x 3-mile intervals.

Per the Hot Chocolate 15k website, the sweet stations will include marshmallows, chocolate chips, and M&Ms to enjoy along the way! YUM. Talk about motivation!

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Sooo... I'm not actually going to "race" this 15k. Why? 

In case you haven't picked up hints in previous posts, I'm 10 weeks pregnant and running competitively while pregnant is not my thing. Mostly because the first trimester just wrecks me (energy probs, GI issues, nausea, the works) and pregnancy is the perfect time to take a step back from training.

Racing is about pushing the limits, pregnancy is not.

Though I didn't know I was pregnant upon signing up for this race, I'm going to make the best of it and I look forward to meeting up with some of the Bibrave Pro crew. We are going to make a fun family trip out of this Easter weekend and have extra time together to celebrate the rising of our Savior! We feel so blessed to have Baby 3 on the way and I will share with you more after our first appointment with our midwife in a couple weeks :)

Hot Chocolate 15k Training Week 7:


3.17 mi, 00:30 @ 09:31 pace.


Stretching time and walks with the kids.


4.5 mi, 00:43 @ 09:35 pace with double stroller.


Raking in the yard and walks with the kids.


3 mi, 00:28 @ 09:13 pace.


Long Run: 6.26 mi, 01:01 @ 09:46 pace with double stroller. Perfect morning for a long run. Just a light breeze made for a nice run with the stroller. I was pretty well exhausted by the end!


Rest day.

Are you racing these weekend?
Do you have any Easter family traditions?

Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. Congratulations on the pregnancy! I actually did not know, I remember you posted that you were trying and figured the decrease in running was because sometimes ladies have to do that to get pregnant. But I didn't know you were, so congrats!

    I love the race hoodie and the theme of it... you had a good week of training for it with some runs and also what looks like nice weather. This seems like a great race to run for fun and enjoyment anyway with the hot chocolate stations :).

  2. What I didn't know either!!!
    I wish more races would consider mailing packets for those of us who can't get there the day before, or in my case early enough. I've always wanted to do a hot chocolate run. One day I'm gonna get too!

  3. Yeah I picked up on all the subtle hunts 🙂Congrats on baby #3!!🤗🤗 You've been doing a great job keeping up with your running despite the first trimester blah feelings. I hope you have a great race, enjoy all the chocolates and just enjoy running for the sake of it. It was very cool you were able to get your packet mailed to you btw!! Love the hoodie too!!
    Hope you have a good week ahead and that you breeze through the rest of your first trimester into the second!! Looking forward to following you along your journey of motherhood 🙂

  4. Congratulations!!! Wow, what wonderful news! And what a great way to do a race - having fun, encouraging others and eating marshmallows and chocolates!


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